She Fears Love

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❝I knew the risks of falling in love... and yet I wanted to put my heart on the line for her.❞

Copyright © 2023 by Kimberly Hernandez
Cover Image © HayDmitriy/Depositphotos
Cover Design by Kimberly Hernandez

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without express permission from the author.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

• S N E A K P E E K •

"Why do you keep running away?"

"Because I'm scared!" She finally revealed, tears pooling in her eyes. "Love makes people vulnerable... so easily broken."

"Trust me, I know exactly what you mean." I slowly walked towards her, careful not to scare her away. "But I was raised on love. I know what it is, and I want to use all my knowledge on you."

She shook her head aggressively.

I knew I was getting to her. I knew she didn't want to be convinced. She was fighting it.

"The fantasy of that feeling just leaves you wounded. It's false."

"Let me show you how real it is." I cupped her cheeks, wiped away her tears with my thumbs. "I gave up on love a while ago, but you make me want to try again. If you let me, I can make you happy."

She slowly looked up and stared right into my eyes, exposing herself completely to me. She allowed me to see every bit of emotion showcased on her beautiful face. She looked vulnerable and scared, but I knew I could take care of her.

"I don't want to get hurt..."

It was just a gentle whisper. I wouldn't have heard it if I hadn't been so close.

My eyes held hers captive as I leaned my forehead against hers, placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. She fluttered her eyes shut. And after a moment, I closed the gap between us. I kissed her tenderly, with lots of care and emotion. Without the use of words, I showed her how I felt.

I hoped she got my message. My promise.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

• S U M M A R Y •

Aleah Brooks lives her life jumping from one guy to another...

Her obsession of feeling anything other than love is driven by a strong fear. While all the girls in her age group are finding themselves in long-term relationships, she's simply trying to find herself. But she's looking in all the wrong places.

...until she meets Sebastian Knight.

After getting his heart shattered, he gives up on finding true love. He's determined to succeed and complete his goals without having any sort of distractions, especially ones who could end up breaking his heart again. But when he stumbles upon a broken girl who just needs to know what love is really like, he allows himself to get sidetracked.

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