Period Cramp Cuddles

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CW: Possibly has the ability to cause gender dysphoria in some, I'm not sure, pls lemme know if y'all don't like this. I basically made this because it's that time for me and I wanted cute shit and because I want cuddles. I tried making it so it doesn't get too graphic for anyone uncomfortable due to dysphoria or so on. Pls lemme know if I cross a line anywhere and I'll change it 👍 this is very self indulgent

Eclipse POV

I strolled through the woods in a direction I've memorized for the past couple months, in the direction of a blue hedgehog's house, Sonic's house. He and I have been, what he calls, dating. I'm not sure what the term means but it makes him happy and he makes my little ones happy, so I allow it. The hedgehog has been sending me messages non-stop ever since he gave me this device called a "phone", it works similarly to how my ship's computer ran so it was easy to learn how to use. For some reason though, he hasn't sent out a message, even when I sent a message to him, and it is making me.. uneasy, so I have decided to visit him ahead of our scheduled time to see him.

When I arrive to the simple wooden house I notice that the red.. flying... thing- that is normally in front of the house. Maybe Sonic and that Tails child are out on one of their little adventures? No, no, Sonic would have told me as such like he always does. Maybe that child is out by themselves, or Sonic took it out? I'm not sure and I'm getting more and more uneasy. I knocked on the front door and waited, no answer. I knocked again but louder this time, still no anwer. My tail flicked and swayed with anxiousness and glanced around for something to help me inside, then I remember where Sonic's window was. Now, normally I don't condone breaking and entering a person's sleeping quarters, especially if you are "dating" that soul, but I am nervous for Sonic's wellbeing, as much as I don't wish to admit that, so I am excusing myself.

I climb a tall tree that leads to Sonic's window, after making sure I won't fall, I knock on it, making sure not to crack the fragile glass. After a second of waiting I hear a small groan and the blue curtains that blocked off the view into his room shifting over to the side to show the blue hedgehog looking completely disheveled and exhausted. Sonic's mesmerizing emerald eyes widened once he realized that it was me, I smiled warmly and softly waved, one more reason to worry. He quickly went to open his window with.. one arm? Another reason of concern. Once he opened the window he asked me with a raspy, dull voice, "Eclipse? What're you doin' here? Our meet up wasn't until next Tuesday" As he speaks he helps me into his room where I sat crouched on the windowsill, leaning on my hands.

"I'm aware." I simply say, looking around to see that the hedgehog's bed was more of a nest of those blankets and pillows. Glancing up and down Sonic's person I could see that he was wearing a oversized red hoodie and possibly nothing else while he held his stomach while... shaking? Okay, I could be wrong because I don't know much of anything about mortals, but that isn't normal for Sonic. I hop off the windowsill when Sonic starts talking again, "'Kay, but... why're you here? I don't mind, I love having you here bu-" he gets cut off by me sniffing around, making Sonic make a strange face out of confusion.

I soon pick up a smell of iron and something else I can't place. I lift up Sonic's chin and wrap my arm around his waist, his muzzle lights up a warm red. "You didn't send me your daily message, that red flying thing isn't there, no one answered the door, and you look like you haven't slept in moons." I explain to the hedgehog in my arms, after awhile of staring at my slightly smaller form, he coos.

"Awwwe~, Eclipse, were you worried for me?", Sonic asked in a sickingly sweet tone, making my face rise in heat accompanied with a shade of green. I turned my head away and mumbled a small 'classified' in response. He giggled and wrapped his fabric covered arms around me and pulled me into a close embrace. A light purring sound rumbles from deep inside his chest and he hums in content, " you're so warm~" he sings and leans more into me with shaky legs.

This isn't the first time he has commented on my warmth, but this is the first time I've heard him make such a sound. "Prince," I say his nickname, gaining his attention, "Why are you shaking?" I question. He doesn't respond for a bit, hiding in the fluff of my neck. ".. You know how I explained to you how I wasn't always a guy?" He asks and I nod. Of course I remember, I quite pride myself in my ability to remember details, especially if Sonic himself tells me.

"Well, how to put this... People who are born female go through this time once a month where we.. Well we kinda.. Go through a certain period..." He glanced at me to see if I'm still following, I nod to show I am. While talking I realize that Sonic started holding his stomach area again and basically leans on me for support.

"And during this time of month we- we uh, get something called cramps that come from those periods and they can cause a lot of pa-" He stops abruptly mid-sentence to bend over in pain and whimper with uneven breaths. I crouch with him and put my hand on the small of his back. I realize the source of his pain and slide my three fingered hand up his red hoodie to place it onto is stomach. He guided my hand to the source of his discomfort, understanding what I was trying to achieve.

The warmth from my hand spread through his body and eased the pain, causing him to uncurl himself, steady his breathing, and lean onto me, I coiled my tail around him in response. "I'm guessing that was the aforementioned 'cramps'?" I asked, he nodded. "Would you like to go to your bed?" Another nod. I slide my hand that's under his hoodie to his back and my other hand to the back of his knees, easily lifting him up.

I placed him on the bed and he instantly curled into me then situated myself so that I was laying beside him. Sonic quickly clinged to me, wrapping his arms and legs around my neck and waist respectively, he also lifted the hem of his hoodie so that our stomachs were touching, allowing my warmth to flow into him. I laid one arm onto his waist and the other ran through his azure quills. My tail hooked one of the blankets and placed it onto us, I did this in an attempt to get Sonic more warmth.

Sonic nuzzled into my neck. "Man, I love you Eclipse." He said with a sigh as he drifted to sleep. I smiled and said, "I love you, too, my dear prince." And placed a small peck onto his forehead.

Period Cramp CuddlesWhere stories live. Discover now