i. Aunt Narge Floats Away

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"Harry, Harry, open the door," Harry and Masey's aunt Petunia told him. Their aunt Marge come through the door and shoved her umbrella into Masey's arms. Vernon came in behind her with his sister's suitcase. He set it down on the floor, while Marge had a conversation with Petunia.

"Uncle Vernon," Harry quietly spoke from behind him. "We need you to sign this form."

"What is it?" He asked, taking off his jacket.

"Nothing," Harry shrugged. "School stuff."

"Later perhaps, if you behave," Vernon told them.

"We will if she does," Harry whispered.

"Oh, you two are still here," Marge said in a distasteful tone.

"Yes," Harry spoke in slightly snappy tone.

"Don't say yes in that ungrateful tone," Marge told him, giving Petunia her dog's leash. "Damn good of my brother to keep you two. It would have been straight to an orphanage if they were dumped on my doorstep."

Dudley laughed at something on the TV, making Marge note his presence in the room and smothering him.

"Take Marge's suitcase upstairs," Vernon commanded.

"God, what does she have in here? Bricks?" Masey asked as she tried to lift her suitcase with Harry.

"Uncle Vernon could carry it," Harry said.

"Yeah, well, it takes muscle to carry fat," Masey said. "Screw this, I'm taking the umbrella."

"How do you expect me to lift this all by myself?" Harry asked.

"Use magic, and if she asks, just say you're the next coming of Christ," Masey joked, Harry not catching on and giving her a slightly horrified look. "It was a joke, Harry, lighten up."

He sighed in relief and finally was able to lift Marge's suitcase upstairs. The twins came back downstairs to serve the the Dursleys dinner.

"Can I tempt you, Marge?" Vernon asked, holding a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.

"Just a small one," Marge nodded. "Excellent Nosh, Petunia." She looked over at Masey, snapped her fingers and pointed at the ground where the plate she gave her dog was sitting, then at the glass Vernon was holding. "A little more. That's a boy." She then let her dog have a drink, Harry and Masey both trying to hold back a laugh. "What are you two smirking at?" The two just shrugged. "Where is it you sent the two, Vernon?"

"St Brutus'," Vernon said. "It's a fine institution for hopeless cases."

"Do they use canes at St Brutus', boy?" Marge asked Harry.

"Oh, yeah," Harry nodded, sarcastically. "Yeah, I've been beaten loads of times."

"What about you?" Marge looked over at Masey.

"Same here," She gave the same sarcastic nod and used the same sarcastic tone as her brother. They both turned their backs, hiding their smiles.

"Excellent," Marge nodded. "I won't have this namby-pamby, wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people when they deserve it. You mustn't blame yourself about how these two turned out. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it their father did, Petunia?"

ILLICIT AFFAIRS,                                              GEORGE WEASLEY {1}Where stories live. Discover now