The Close Call

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Affogato, driven by a treacherous agenda, approached Dark Cacao with deceptive words poised upon his tongue. "Your Majesty." He began, his voice a honeyed lure laced with falsehoods.

"A little bird has told me that the First Watcher has been shirking her duties and lollygagging at the villages, handing out rations most likely stolen from the citadel's pantries."

Indignant, Caramel Arrow interjected, her voice tinged with frustration as she defended her actions. "There is no truth to these claims. It was my own rations that I decided to share and my own time I've invested in order to keep our lands safe!"

Affogato seized upon her words, skillfully twisting them to fuel his manipulative game. "How impetuous! Are you accusing this humble court of failing to serve our Cookies? Are you implying that His Majesty's aides are selfish, greedy, and conniving?"

Caramel Arrow's protests fell upon deaf ears as Affogato adeptly worked his web of deceit, swaying the Gathered Retainers to his side with his carefully spun narrative. Frustration welled within Caramel Arrow, the injustice of the situation weighing heavily upon her spirit.

In a venomous tone, Affogato spat his words, his true intentions hidden behind a veil of false concern. "If loitering outside these walls is what you enjoy, why not be repositioned as First Snow Plower?"

His words dripped with disdain, lashing at Caramel Arrow's core. "My Liege, I believe it wise that this lackadaisical Cookie before you be banished from our stalwart citadel."

Dark Cacao's response was curt, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "So be it."

"My King?! Please, my King, I am—" Caramel Arrow, desperate to plead her case, attempted to interject, but her words were cut off by the resonating voice of the King.

"Caramel Arrow Cookie, heed my words. You need not return. Your spirit has always been one with the wilds, akin to the deer roaming the frost-ridden mountains. This is my final verdict—"

However, an unexpected interruption shattered the tense atmosphere. The grand doors of the King's Throne Room swung open with a resounding boom as Mochaccino burst onto the scene.

Having caught wind of the unfolding events through one of his Cacao-Drones' microphones, he stormed forward, determined to lend his support to the beleaguered First Watcher.

Mochaccino, with a fiery determination burning in his eyes, marched towards the center of the Throne Room, his presence commanding attention. The air crackled with anticipation as he prepared to challenge the verdict that had been hastily passed.

"I object!" Mochaccino's voice was loud and clear as it echoed throughout the room. All eyes turned towards him, including Dark Cacao, whose gaze rested on his brilliant Royal Scientist.

Taking a moment to explain, Mochaccino continued, his voice unwavering. "Your Majesty, with all due respect, this trial betrays the very idea of a fair judgment. Caramel Arrow Cookie is the most loyal of the Watchers, and we both know it. She'd never lower herself to the levels of a thief who takes from their kingdom."

A flicker of doubt crossed Dark Cacao's face, his stoic countenance momentarily giving way to introspection. The weight of Mochaccino's words bore down upon him, causing him to question the hasty decision he had made.

"And what evidence do you present to support your claims, Mochaccino Cookie?" Affogato interjected, his voice dripping with skepticism.

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing, Affogato. Tell me, who is this 'little bird' you're talking about? Surely, you would have brought them to the trial to support your own claims, correct?" Mochaccino argued.

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