Chapter One

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In the last three years, I've been waiting for Edmund to return, hundreds have tried to take my hand in marriage and I've refused everyone. Multiple attempts to try and find the same happiness I felt with Edmund with other activities. I missed him with all my heart, and now it being three years, my hope is withering away.

Two years after they left, there was a battle  at the gates of the castle, this battle was amazing, if we are talking strictly political, as we won and this started the chain of events of world peace. But at the mid point of the battle everyone was running out of energy and a wolf came at me when I was down and losing my strength when Trumpkin jumped in front of the wolf and sacrificed himself for me. My best friend died in front of my eyes and the only thing I could see was red, I killed more people that day than I could count. Now all I do is sit with my survivor's guilt and try and put up a smile for people.

"Y/n, get up," Caspian said running into my room very early. I was currently in lion form spraled on my bed, I didn't move. Then a pillow was thrown at me, "I'll get up but if you try that again I will bite you," I turn into my human form already dressed in a royal gown. "You need to change and pack for an adventure," I looked at him confused. "What do you mean there is peace across all of Narnia, honestly wish we weren't that good of leaders so we could keep ourselves busy," he only nodded and paused, I knew that I had accidentally reminded him of Susan, the sad fact is where Caspian can remove her from his mind, Edmund never leaves mine. After a moment he continued, "we are going to find the seven Lords of Telmar, by boat," I got another flashback of when the Pevensies saved me and Trumpkin when we were in that row boat. I frowned and glanced at Trumpkin's Dagger on the table in my room. "Okay, let me get ready," Caspian nodded and left.

I got dressed into my shirt and trousers taking Trumpkin's dagger with me and Edmund's torch in a bag with my essentials then following Caspian to the docks. "Your Majesties," one of the sailors bowed to us, "Let me take your bag to your chamber," he went for my bag but I flinched back. "That is very kind but i'll hold onto it," he bowed again and then gave us a tour of the Dawn Treader. I put my bag on my bed and got Edmund's torch out, I gave it a click and it didn't turn on, I didn't see the light that calmed me. I fell to the floor on my knees, "No, no, no ,no," I mumbled trying to get it to work again. Suddenly it worked and I cried with relief. "Y/n!" I heard Caspian from the other side of the door. "I'll be out in a moment," I wiped my tears and put the torch back, I really hope that I'll be able to pull myself together for this Voyage. 

Present day:

I was sat in my cabin looking at Edmund's torch, I've recently being using it to sleep as I fear it may be the closest I will get to Edmund again, I really want him back. The more time we spend apart the more anxious I am about what will happen when we meet, will he kiss me? Will it be awkward? Has he moved on from me?
Just as I was about to cry when my door opened and Reep came in and looked up at me and saw my expression, "what is the matter Queen Y/n," he asked climbing onto my bed and sitting next to me. "I just... I just miss them," I say looking at Edmund's torch. "You know, in times of uncertainty something that always helps me is looking for a sign," he took the torch off of me and gave the button a click and the familiar bright light's shine surrounded the room, "you see, my Queen, not all hope is lost," I smiled and gave him a hug, he usually didn't let people hug him but I was one of the exceptions. "Let's go help the crew," I say as Reep climbed on my shoulder and we left my cabin and went on the main part of the boat. "Hey Caspian," I tried not to bring up how I missed Edmund because he was dealing with never being able to see Susan again. "Hey Y/n, how are you feeling," he asked. "Fine," it had almost turned into a reflex. "Y/n... I know you're lying, come on what's wrong," I was about to answer when. "MAN OVER BOARD!" one of the crew shouted, I ran to the side of the boat and saw three people swimming in the sea, then a scent flew towards me. I gasped, could it really be?

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