Chapter Two

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I watched as the crew picked them up and put them onto the boat, my anxiety shot up so I went back in my cabin. I tried to calm myself down but this moment was something I had imagined going so many different ways. I took a breath, let out a sigh and went back to hopefully the reunion I have always imagined.

Edmund's POV:
Lucy and I were finally back in Narnia, we got reunited with Caspian but, where is she, I've missed her so much, I hope she is on this boat. "Where is Y/n?" Caspian asked, "She was here a minute ago," just then the door opened and there she was, she had gotten even more beautiful.

Y/n's POV:
I found Edmund's eyes and he found mine as we looked at each other. I then glanced at Lucy and at how well she grew up, she walked up to me, "my Narnian sister, " she whispered making me tear up and pull her into a hug. "You look amazing, " I say back making her break the hug confused, "you do, don't deny it," she smiled and moved to the side. I slowly walked up to Edmund as we were back where we started just staring into each other's eyes. Neither of us moved for a few seconds until Edmund hugged my tightly, almost as if, if he let go I would disappear. I hugged back, "Hi" I say half crying half laughing. "Hey," he responded. "I-" I stopped myself unsure weather he would say, 'I still love you' back so I went with the safer option, "I missed you," I say kissing his cheek. He kissed my forehead and smiled, "I missed you more," we looked at each other and started to lean in when. "AHHHHH!" We both looked to the sound, I hadn't noticed the third boy on the ground and Reep was trying to help him breathe. "Get that thing off me!" the boy threw Reep to where we were. "Reepicheep!" Lucy spoke with glee. He turned and saw them. "You Majesties," he did a bow, "Thank goodness you two are back to bring a smile to the Queen's face," Reep gestured to me, Edmund glanced at me and wrapped an arm around me, "Well in that case I am happy to help," he smirked and I blushed and looked down. After a few seconds Lucy pushed Edmund's arm off of me "I know you two are in love but you are not allowed to hog her Ed," she gave me a long hug, I chuckled. "I am so happy you're back," we broke the hug and saw that the boy had now stood up. "Who is that?" I ask Lucy. "He's our cousin, Eustuce, " I looked back at him curiously. "THAT GIANT RAT THING JUST TRIED TO CLAW MY FACE OFF!" He screamed. I flinched and stepped back a little, "I was merely trying to exspell the water from your lungs, sir," Reep responded. "He tal- did anyone just hear that, he just, he just talked," the boy was clearly freaked out. I took a breath and spoke softly as to not panic him more, "That's just part of his charm," Reep smiled up at me. "Yeah but it's getting him to shut up is the trick," Caspian joked, I didn't laugh. "The moment that there is nothing to be said your Highness I promise you I will not say it," Reep responded then climbed onto my shoulder. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF PRANK THIS IS BUT I WANT TO WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" I winced at his shouting. "Perhaps we should throw him back?" Reep suggested, I smiled shaking my head ' no' then looked at Edmund to see that he was actually thinking about it. Lucy elbowed him, "Edmund!" she scolded making me laugh lightly. Eustace walked over to some of the crew members, "I DEMAND TO KNOW JUST WHERE IN THE BLAZES AM I?!" I ran to be in between him and the crew with Reep still on my shoulder. "Woah, okay lets take a breath and try to calm down," he looked at me like I was crazy. "CALM DOWN, I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED, TAKE ME BACK TO ENGLAND!" he tried to get up close to my face but Reep got his sword out making him step back and look at the pointed blade. "You do not talk to the High Queen of Narnia like that, the very daughter of Aslan himself," I looked at Reep shocked. "It's okay Reep, he's just scared," Just then  the Minotaur walked into the conversation. "To answer the boy's question, you are on the Dawn Treader, the finest ship in Narnia's Navy," the boy then fainted seeing a Minotaur much less a talking one, "Was it something I said," I patted his shoulder. "No, don't worry about it," I gave him a smile then looked at the boy on the floor. "Should we throw him back now?" Reep asked making me laugh.

Edmund x Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now