Chapter 7

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Recap :)

I sighed what's wrong with me I never behave like this she is turning me into something which I'm not. And why the hell I even call her beautiful? I know she is but there was no need to mention it.

Let's get back to home.


Joshua's pov:

After the long day finally I reached home. I sighed and entered inside the house. I directly went to the kitchen and saw my mum reading something while sitting on the dinning table.

"Hey mom." I greeted her.

"Hey my baby boy." she beamed at me.

"Mommmmm I'm not a baby." I whined.

"You'll always be my baby boy". She teased me like always.

"Okay fine, I'm hungry please give me something to eat." I said peeking at what she's reading.

She was as always reading her home decor magazine marking what she want to buy for the home decoration. She likes to moderate the house and made aesthetic changes in them. She got up from the chair and started serving the food. I went to the sink and washed my hands.

Basic manners.

She put the plate on the table and sat where she was sat before. I started digging in my food hungrily.

"Slowly Joshua Williams." my mum instructed.

"Hmmm." I hummed and started eating slowly. After finishing the food I put my dish in the sink and went to my room.


Time skip:

After taking a long nap I woke up. I suddenly remembered that Mrs. Smith gave me the summary to write.


I hastily started writing the summary of the given chapter and it took me around 45 minutes to get done with it.

'If she gave me summary to write then Grace also have to write it.' I thought.

But will she write it.

I don't think so she don't even pay attention to the class.

What if Mrs. Smith gets more angry at her.

Should I do it for her?

But why would I? Why do I care.

Okay let's get done with this.

I threw my all of the thoughts out of the window and again started writing another summary for her to show the teacher.

With different writing and some changes in the vocabulary so it doesn't match with mine.

It took me another 30 minutes to complete it. I stretched my arms after putting my stuff in my bag. And went down for the dinner. After having dinner with my parents I went to my room and fell asleep.


Joshua's pov:
(The next day)

I reached the school and entered in my class. I was a little late today all thanks to a puppy that came in my way. I started patting his head and playing with him and forgot that I have to go to school. All the students were sat on their places but the teacher was still not in the class. I started walking towards my bench and saw a girl sitting with Grace at my place. They both were busy in talking. I went infront of both of them and cleared my throat.They both stared at me for few seconds and went back to their conversation.

Okay that was rude.

I again tried to get their attention by tapping on the table. "What?" the girl spat who was sitting beside Grace.

"That's my place." I replied.

"And who said that?" she again questioned.

"I am sitting here from few days." I retorted back.

"Because I was on vacations for few days, and no one can come and claim my seat like that boy." she snapped at me.

"But here nowhere your name is written." I frowned.

"Neither yours." she said and smirked.

I glanced at Grace to say something but she was staring at me coldly.

"But--" as I was again started arguing she interrupted me.

"Candice always sits with me and this is her place whether her name is written or not". She said still staring at me. After hearing her that girl Candice's smirk widened.

"See, she prefers me over you". said Candice the girl sitting beside Grace.

I gritted my teeth and strode from there to find a new place for me. There was a bench in the corner which was empty I angrily sat on it.

The teacher Mrs. Smith entered after a while. The whole class greeted her and after her permission sat back. She scanned the whole class and stopped her gaze at me.

"As promised show me your summary Mr. Williams." she said waiting for my reply.

"Yes ma'am". I said and took out the papers from my bag which I prepared for today.

I went in front of the teacher's desk and put my papers on it where Mrs. Smith was standing. She glanced at me and then the papers on the table and nod at me.

I walked back to my bench and sat on it. She move her gaze to Grace and asked "So Ms. Anderson now where is your work which I gave you in yesterday's detention".

Grace didn't said anything and was staring back at Mrs. Smith. So getting angry Mrs. Smith again said "You left the class without my permission and even disrespected me and above that you didn't have done your work."

"It's not like if she will not do your work the whole world will stop." Candice answered instead of Grace.

"Do not speak until you are asked Ms. Salvadore" Mrs. Smith said.

"I was just stating the obvious". Candice again replied glancing at her perfectly manicured nails.

"Ms. Anderson either you show me your work or see yourself out of my class". Mrs. Smith said pointing her finger towards the door of the classroom.

I knew it she will not do the work.

Do she even study?

Grace stood up and started walking out of the classroom. Candice also started following her out of the class.

"Wait! Mrs. Smith". I said gaining the attention of the whole class. Stacey giving me questionable looks.

"I forgot to tell you Grace and I were working together yesterday at my place and she forgot her papers at my home". Grace turned around and gaze at me amusingly raising her brow.

I glanced at her and licking my lips hesitantly continued "When I saw them I brought them with me they are placed on your desk beneath mine one's".

Grace folded her hands infront of her chest glaring me. Mrs. Smith checked the papers and found the ones I wrote instead of Grace.

"Wow Ms. Anderson for the first time in your school life you have done your work". Mrs. Smith said tauntingly.

Grace just stared at her and then glared at me.

"Go back and sit on your places and Ms. Salvadore stop following her always". Mrs. Smith said.

Candice rolled her eyes and they both walked back to their bench and sat back glaring at me.



Double update yay!

Just because I'm in a good mood today my whole day went very well. I saw my crush in my dreams talking to me🙈. Nothing happened☠️. And I met my friend two times today and did some important entires for my teacher.
I'm adopting a cat in few days uwu.

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& take care🖤

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