Chapter 1: A new life

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Change can be unnerving for some, with the uncertainty it promises, but if you had a plan quite as wicked as the eldest Riddle did, change can be exciting.

She stood on the train station as she eyed the enormous castle. The large castle in all it's beauty. Gracefully lit up with lanterns all over. The first day of a new semester.

Rain was pouring down and every kid was shivering. Well, every kid except them. They liked the rain. It brought peace.  It was comforting. They had a history with it. There was just something about standing soaking it all in while everyone around them was running to get under shelter. To avoid cold. She scoffed internally. Cold. Amateurs. To life. It's a symbol for good and bad things. After every storm comes a rainbow. But mostly it stands for sadness. Depression. Something all three of them were well acquainted with. But for them rain was always something that could cheer them up. Cheer them up from all the bad things in their life. Distract them from them. The moments when the first few drops touch their forehead and roll down their cheeks and the drops that follow after is the most affection they have ever received except from each other.

All the excited children were hopping on the platform from the train. They were piling near the carriages drawn by those weird bony horse creatures. A half giant was beckoning all the first years to come towards him and the boats in a west country accent. She assumed he was Hagrid. They had heard about him. Poor chaps, have to travel in the rain on open boats. She stared as she tried to digest that this will be her new life. Their new life.

She looked at her right side and saw that her older brother Tom was doing the same as her. Taking in all his surroundings with fascination twinkling in his eyes. To a foreign eye Tom would look like a cool and collected figure who couldn't care less. But, since she had known him for 13 years she knew that he was barely able to contain his excitement.

Mattheo on the other hand (on her left side) was practically drooling. And this was clearly visible to any foreign eye.

Then she saw him. Harry Potter. In all his glory. He looked a little pale and nauseous but otherwise attractive. He had a bar of chocolate in his hand.

Aww! I want one.

She thought since they were starving and hadn't eaten anything in a long time. First day jitters made them so nervous they didn't want to put anything in their stomachs. It wasn't a problem of money. Rodolphus had sent them more than enough to survive. After their father's defeat by the Harry Potter himself, Rodolphus had raised them. He didn't do it out of the love in his heart, he just saw it as an opportunity to stay out of Azkaban. Taking care of three little orphans got him buttloads of sympathy and Dumbledore had a hand in convincing the ministry to pardon his sentence. But they took away his wand and kept him on house arrest in his large manor. 

They heard about the dementor attacking Potter. It had almost reached their compartment when suddenly they all just glided away. Something happened they figured. They were lucky they got away when they did, they have a lot of memories in their past that could easily get them kissed which would not be a good thing at all.

"Matt! Lexi!" Tom's call snapped her out of her thoughts. He was standing a few steps ahead of them near the station gate and had turned once he noticed his younger siblings weren't behind him.

"Coming brother." They said in unison and marched towards the carriages. They all sat alone in one and as they moved and once they did they saw more of those wretched beings. A chill passed down their spines wracking shudders out of them.
Soon, they arrived.


Hey everybody! This is my first chapter of my first story and English is not my first language so go a little easy on me. But I'd love to hear your suggestions and feedback. So, I'll see you soon.

What's you guys's house?

Have a good day!

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