Twenty Eight

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We slid across the expensive leather of the Rolls Royce he rented for our evening despite having his own we could've taken, my body turning into a mess of tingles the instant he pressed against mine making a small chuckle escape my lips. Everything about tonight was making me nervous. From seeing him in that sexy suit, to dancing together with him, the small kisses that made the butterflies do back flips in my stomach, the wine for when we got home. It was all reminiscent of our first real date that he took me on in the city before I so easily and willingly packed up my life to start a new one with him here in Utah, which was a decision I would never regret. All of these feelings rushing back to me like this only solidifying that he was where I was meant to be and nothing, not even almost a year apart was going to change that.

"You ready to go sweetheart?" he asked in that sexy raspy whisper as the door closed with a heavy thud behind him. I nodded my head slowly in response to his question, my skin bursting into flames while he slowly slid his heavily tattooed hand over the silk fabric of my thigh, stopping right where the rather long and revealing slit started, the rough feel of his fingers caressing my skin made me want to melt into a puddle.

"That depends" I said, locking my eyes on the perfect blue of his, my face blushing even more as he slowly raked his fingers back and forth on the exposed skin of my thigh making a surge of liquid gush towards my entrance. Fuck the things this man did to me.

"You're nervous" he smiled that sweet boyish smile, the sexiness he just possessed taking a small step aside to let the goofy fun loving side of the man I fell in love with take a brief turn in the spotlight.

"Not nervous" I laughed. "Just not sure what to expect" I said quietly, giving my shoulder a small shrug while I looked at him out of the corner of my eye making him smile.

"Madds" he smiled, the fingers of his free hand reaching towards my bouncy curls slowly sliding them over my shoulder, my body tingling as he gently let the roughness of his fingers slide over my collarbone and down my shoulder before he pulled it away replacing his fingers with the softness of his lips.

"Tonight is everything that it should've been a year ago and maybe even a little more" his raspy voice uttered as he slowly pulled away from my skin.. "Tonight is my second chance to make sure nothing gets fucked up and that I don't have to endure watching the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with walk away again."

"Aus baby" I smiled, reaching up to gently rest my small palm against the warmth of his cheek, smiling as his eyes fell closed for several seconds before fluttering open to reveal the only ocean I wanted to see for the rest of my life.

"I'm here with you baby and I'm not going anywhere, not again. Everything I've felt since I've been back, how everything just fell into place for us like nothing happened. You were meant to be my life Austin and I don't want to be with anyone but you. I love you baby so fucking much"

"Madds" he smiled, his thumb coming up to wipe away the single tear that managed to escape my eye as he pressed a delicate kiss to my lips.

"I love you too sweetheart and I never stopped" he muttered before placing his lips delicately on mine moving them slowly as if he was savoring every moment of our sweet embrace.

Talking didn't seem to exist after we whispered our sweet nothings to each other, every second of the clicking tock filled with the sounds of our sweet kiss from small pops of our lips finally separating allowing us to get some much needed air to the quiet moans that escaped from both of our lips while our tongues twisted together in a beautiful harmony, each time they retreated and then slipped their way back together only igniting a flame within both of us that could only be extinguished one way, and clearly Austin felt the same way.

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