chapter 7 - Hook Man

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Previously on Worlds Colliding (Supernatural):

November 2, 1988

Clips from 1.01 "Pilot"

The Winchester House.

What happened that night

Young Sam walked into Baby Catty's nursery to see a man's silhouette standing over Baby Catty's crib. "Daddy?"

Mary ran toward the nursery, stopping short.

John gave Baby Catty to Young Sam. "Take your sister outside as fast as you can! Now, Sammy, go!"

Young Sam and Young Dean ran out of the house with Baby Catty.

John looked at the ceiling.

What they witnessed

John watched the nursery burn, Mary with it. "Mary! No!"

Sent two brothers

On Sylvania Bridge, Sam and Dean turned to face the onlookers.

And their sister

In Sam's Apartment, Catty spoke to Sam and Jessica. "Dad's on a hunting trip."

Outside Constance's House, Catty stood outside the Impala with a shotgun, firing at Constance Welch.

In Sam's Apartment's bedroom, Sam pulled out a hook-shaped knife.

In Sam's Apartment, Catty spoke to Sam and Jessica. "And he hasn't been home in a few days."

On a quest for answers 17 years later

In the stairwell outside Sam's Apartment, Sam spoke to Catty and Dean. "I swore I was done hunting."

In the Impala, Constance gripped Sam's heart.

"We can't do this alone," Catty told him.

In Sam's Apartment's bedroom, Sam closed his eyes, lying down, sighing.

Blood dripped onto his forehead. One drop. Two.

Sam flinched, opening his eyes, taking in what he saw, gasping in horror.

Jessica was pinned to the ceiling, staring down at him, bleeding from the belly.

Sam sat up, but looked like he couldn't move. "No!"

From 1.02 "Wendigo", in the woods, Dean spoke to Sam and Catty. "I think Dad wants us to pick up where we left off."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in Sam Apartment's parking lot, the Winchesters looked into the arsenal in the trunk of the Impala.

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside of John's motel room, Sam and Dean were covered in sewer water, playing look out. Catty's arms reached out to grab them and pull them inside.

Dean: (voice over from 1.02 Wendigo) "You know, saving people."

From 1.03 "Dead in the Water", in the Barr House, Dean kicked the bathroom door in, running inside. Sam followed Dean inside. They reached inside the lake-water-filled bathtub to pull Andrea Barr out. Catty held Lucas Barr back, turning him away so he didn't have to see.

Dean: (voice over from 1.02 Wendigo) "Hunting things."

From 1.02 "Wendigo", in the woods, Dean spoke to Sam and Catty. "The family business."

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