Chapter Ten • A Little Help

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** Warning**
This chapter contains some nudity, scars and other bodily trauma. Read at your own volition. 

Long Chapter


No one came to see him about what he had blurted out in front of Mae. Not Evor, not Hagan or anyone else tried to drag more out of him. Not even Mae herself. Days went by and he was left completely to his own company. Except for when food was brought to his burrow. Even then it was hardly worth to call a visit because the food was placed by the door by whomever delivered it, without them showing themselves. The one bringing the food never opened the door more than what was necessary to get the plate in and drop it off. Hiding behind the door made it  impossible for Lliam to know who came. Why no one showed themselves he did not understand. It was, however, perfectly clear that now when The Guild had seen him on his legs, swinging a blade, the special treatment of getting food in bed was gone. He could not help but to wonder if their hospitality had vanished with the show Mae, Hagan and he himself had put on. 

His mind went to dark places at night when thinking about what Hagan would do to get revenge on him. Would he kill him in his sleep or break one of his nearly healed bones? These dark thoughts blended with fear of more pain. They manifested themselves in the back of his head. Causing him to sleep poorly and twitch at every sound even close to the door for the first three days. Thinking they originated from someone coming to end his life or demand to know more about these kings he supposedly served. Shame and guilt went through him every time he relived the moment he had almost told Mae that Jade was his queen. 

To his great relief neither of these things happened and on the fourth night he was so exhausted that he slept through the entirety of it. Not waking once. 

There were no training sessions during the days following the first one. It had him wondering if he had been left to do more well needed healing. For which, he was grateful... if that was the reason for why he was not dragged out of bed without explanation. However unlikely he found it, he was relieved that his sore body was allowed to mend and rest. Despite this, a little voice whispered in the back of his head. Hissing that he should not let this fool him. That he knew better... and he did. There was not one part of him that believed that Evor and the Guild was letting him rest out of the goodness of their hearts, they were staying away or avoiding him for some other reason. He did not care much about why they avoided him... although he could not  help but to wonder why she stayed away. 

After a week had passed, he was growing incredibly restless within the four walls of his burrow. Healed enough to get out of bed, without wanting to die and scream, all he did during the days was walk around or try to sleep the time away. On the seventh morning, after breakfast, he did a couple of laps in his room but felt foolish for going in circles like someone who had lost their wits. Stopping in the middle of the room, his eyes on the ground as he tried to find a pebble or piece of rock he had yet not seen. There was nothing new down there. He knew every inch within the four walls he resided day in and day out. 

I need to get out of this room. Growing insane from not being able to tell day from night except for the meals they bring me... I need to see daylight. He thought, his eyes slicing toward the door hesitantly. He inhaled through his nose and instantly grimaced at the foul stench of days old sweat and whatever had dried in the sheets he had slept in for longer than he wanted to think about. I fucking reek. Could use a bath as well as a walk.

His eyes fixated on the door as he wondered what would happen if he left his burrow without someone collecting him, or what the first person to find him outside of it would do when they saw him.

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