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"Benny proposed last night saying I was the only woman he could ever imagine as his wife. Can you tuck inagine? The fucker dared to say it to my face while fucking that Bitch-are you even listening? Hey! Rara!" I jolted forward when someone shook me by the shoulders.

"Huh?" Aurora gave me a delusional look as I looked around. The startling bar lights twinkled in my eyes. She shouted over the loud music as I gulped down my fourth drink. "Benny is a jerk." I didn't remember what we were talking about, it mentioned Benny, and he was a big jerk.

"Yeah, men are a bunch of a-holes," Andy, Aurora's cousin and my close friend said with a grin, her blonde curls dancing as she sways her curvy hips in tune with the music. "Besides, it's not like we have any freedom when it comes to men."

Aurora giggled, her circular earrings jiggling. "Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm getting engaged this summer, to a man fifteen years older than me."

"He is old," Andy said before I could respond. "Doesn't matter as long as he's rich."

"Oh, shut up." Aurora elbowed Andy, my cheeks flaming with intoxication as I saw the tattooed bartender grinning at me. He was making our Lemon Drops with practised motions, his brown gaze trained on me with unmistakable interest.

"Here you go, ladies," he said, sliding our drinks over, and Andy winked at me as she handed me one of the glasses.

"Bottoms up," she said, and we knocked back the shots before going back to the dance floor, where the next song was already beginning to blast through the speakers. I wasn't going to come out this Friday after the shitty week I had, but at the last minute, I decided that going out and getting drunk would be preferable to passing out early and risking another nightmare. Luckily, papa allowed me to have fun. I wore the tiniest dress I could find in my closet cause I wanted to be carefree for once.

"Get fucking wasted tonight, baby," Andy shouted proudly. With our Dad's reputed fame, the promoter was able to get us in without a line, and we had been dancing nonstop for the past two hours. I was sweating, my feet hurt, and I'd probably have the mother of all hangovers tomorrow, but this was the most fun I had in... well, years.

Maybe for the first time.

The crowd at the club ranged from college kids to hot forty-somethings, but the majority look to be in their early twenties. The DJ was outstanding, mixing the latest hits with hip-hop classics, and I sing along as we dance, belting out my favourite songs with Andy. And with the buzz of alcohol in my veins, I feel sexy and carefree, forgetting all my worries and nightmares. Tonight, I was not a perfect daughter. I was not even the girl with paranoia and messed-up dreams.

Tonight, I was just me. Rara.

The three of us dance by ourselves for a while; then a couple of guys join us, dancing up to Andy and Aurora. Andy dragged me away to the bathroom with her, and by the time we return, Aurora was full-on flirting with the guys.

"You want to get another drink?" Andy yelled over the music, and I nodded, following her to the bar. The room was spinning around me, so I figure I'd just get some water.

The club has become more crowded in the last hour, the dance floor spilling over to the bar and lounge area, and when a group of laughing women cuts in front of me, I lost sight of Andy. I was not particularly worried-I could catch up to her at the bar-so I go around the group to avoid the dense parts of the crowd.

I was within a few feet of the bar when strong fingers wrapped around my upper arm, and a deep male voice murmured into my ear, "We meet again, Schmetterling."

I froze, my blood solidifying in my veins.

Slowly, I turned my head and meet the metallic gaze that stalked my dreams. Killian Schmidt was in front of me, his sculpted mouth curved in a mocking smile.

I swayed on my feet, my face chalk white, and he gripped my other arm to steady me. I knows who he was, I recognized him. All I saw was a mortal threat, and I was reacting accordingly. In another few seconds, I'd either faint or become hysterical, and neither would be a good thing.

"Rara." He made his voice hard as he looked down at me with a heavy gaze dark amusement dancing in his eyes. This was not good. "You look mouth-wateringly gorgeous, Schmetterling." He licked his lips with evident craziness in his pale eyes.

The mindless panic in my gaze abated slightly, replaced by a more rational fear, if not any less intense.

"W-what do you want?" Even with the layer of lipgloss over them, my trembling lips were pale. "Why are you here? I didn't tell anyone." I blabbered looking around.

"I bet you didn't cause even if you did, no one can touch a single hair on me," he said, pulling me with him through the crowd as he manoeuvred away from the people scattered around the bar. I was paralysed, letting him drag me out of the bar. The voice died the moment he led us to a dark alley, and I was pushed against the cold wall.

I felt rough hands skate across my arms. My subconsciousness finally came back and it felt like I was weighed down by a heavy log. Something rough pressed against my back, and I finally started to slip back into reality. The alcohol in my system concentrated as my eyes opened wide, and my breath lodged in my throat when I felt his dark figure behind me. Adrenaline surged through my veins and my heart raced.

I opened my mouth to scream only to feel his palm muffling my words. Several realisations hit at once. My arms were restrained behind me, pinned by pair of rough calloused hands. I tugged at my hands, desperately trying to jerk my wrists out of his hold to no avail.

I struggled hard, but my body moved barely. Muscular body hold me firm as my captor cornered me against the alley, his face concealed by the shadows. "What did I tell you, Schmetterling?"

He asked his voice deep barely above a whisper. I didn't even how I ended up in this situation, my panicked gaze glued to the brick wall rendering me completely helpless.


You can find next three chapters on GoodNovel. I will update on GoodNovel thrice a week and once a week on wattpad.

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