About the characters

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This is just facts about the characters it may be helpful for the story but if you want to skip you can this goes more into detail of Lloyd condition and the Ninjas personal lives -Lotus🪷 ________________________________

Lloyd- Lloyd is a very shy person and tends to only really talk to his mother and friends he gets bullied for his Fathers doings witch causes him to have PTSD attacks sometimes witch leads to him dissociating. When He Dissociates his body can be moved like when Kai brought him to the hall but his mind isn't in reality it's simply in that world that Lloyd discussed to the reader when Skylor attacked. This means Lloyd could run into the road and never see a car coming. So that's why the others act fast when they notice Lloyd's signs of disassociation but no one knows it's because of PTSD but his mother

Likes~ rock music,art,books,the dark,quiet places,skateboarding

Sensuality~ bisexual🩷💜💙

Kai and Nya- Kai is the older twin he is the more chill one thanks to his father Kai can control his anger Nya on the other hand not so much. Kai is one of the popular kids at school because of his looks but Kai doesn't like all the popularity he much rather be with his friends Nya and Kai do live with thier parents they were never taken from them.

Kai likes~spicy foods,music,black smithing
Nya likes~swimming,robotics,boxing

Kai Sexuality~ pansexual🩷💛🩵
Nya sexuality~Asexual🖤🩶🤍💜

Zane-Zane is a nindroid in this but no one knows he dose live with his father his father isn't dead


Sexuality~bisexual 🩷💜💙

Cole-Cole is like the older brother to Lloyd he would stand up for him even before they became friends. Coles dad is apart of the royal Blacksmiths. Cole and his father have a good relationship. Cole is the second popular person in school and he hates the fact that the girls try and make him and Jay break up

Likes~smooth Rock,video games,cake

Sexuality~gay🏳️‍🌈(I couldn't do the whole flag but it's the male gay flag)

Jay-jay is the music lover but not as much as Lloyd he is the class clown he isn't shy just more to himself then the others most of the time you will find him with Cole. Jay in his own place so he is closer to the school but he still sees his parents at the junkyard

Likes~Music,video games,cartoons,the rain

Sexuality~gay 🏳️‍🌈 (same goes for Jay his flag is the male gay flag)

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