Chapter 9

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Elizabeth Hockley

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Elizabeth Hockley

"Nobody knows what's going on.
Just like the damn English--everything by the book." Cal spat and I rolled my eyes. "No need for language, Mr. Hockley." Mr Andrews said and I looked at him. "Mr. Andrews.
I saw the iceberg. And I see it in your eyes. Please tell me the truth." I whispered and he sighed. "The ship will sink." Mr Andrews said and my lips parted in shock. "You're certain?" I asked and he nodded. "In an hour or so, all this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic. Please, tell only who you must. I don't want to cause a panic.
And get to a boat. Quickly. Don't wait.
You remember what I told you about the boats?"

I nodded my head. "Yes. I understand." I said and got pulled along by Ruth and Rose to the lifeboats. "For the time being, I require only women and children d Lifebelts on. Put your lifebelts on. Put your lifebelts on. Lifebelt on. Here, put that lifebelt on. Turn it around." The Guards we're saying to everyone.

"Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they're not too crowded." Ruth said and I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips. "Oh, Ruth, shut up! Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats. Not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die!" I shouted and she looked at me as though I was crazy. "Not the better half."

I was forced into a boat by Cal, with Rose and Ruth. "You know, it's a pity I didn't keep that drawing. It'll be worth a lot more by morning." Cal growled and I glared at him. "You unimaginable bastard." I spat and he smirked at me. As the boat lowered I jumped out and Cal pushed me. "Good-bye, Cal." I whispered and he glared at me. "Where are you going? To him?! To be a whore to a gutter rat?"

"I'd rather be his whore than your sister!" I growled and wrenched my arm out of his grip. I ran through the boat, screaming for Jack. I wanted him back in my arms and I was so incredibly sorry for leaving him in this mess. "Mr. Andrews! Thank God!" I shouted as I found him. "Where would the Master at Arms take someone under arrest?" I asked, panic flooding through my body. "What? You have to get to a boat right away!"

"No! I'm doing this with or without your help, sir. But without will take longer." I said and he sighed. "Take the elevator to the very bottom. Go to the left down the crewmen's passage. Then go right and left again at the stairs. You'll come to a long corridor." Mr Andrews said and I thanked him, running along to where he said. "I'm sorry, miss, but the lifts are closed." The waiter said but I pushed on the doors. "I'm through being polite, goddamnit! Now take me down! E deck." I said and he sighed but did as he was told, I stepped out of the lift and the freezing cold water made me shiver.

"Come on, come on. I'm going back up." The waiter said as he pressed the button. "No! No! No! Come back!" I shouted but it was too late, the lift had already gone back up. "Jack! Jack!" I shouted running through the water. "Betty! Betty, I'm in here! I'm in here!" Jack shouted and I opened the door and seen him tied up. "Jack! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered, pressing a loving kiss to his lips.

"That guy Lovejoy put it in my pocket." Jack said and I nodded. "I know, I know, I know." I whispered and he looked at me. "Listen're gonna have to find the spare key, all right? Look in that cabinet right there. It's a little silver one, Betty." Jack said and I opened the cabinet but they were all brass ones. "These are all brass ones!"

"Check right here, Betty. "Betty, how did you find out I didn't do it?" Jack asked and I bit my lip. "I didn't. I just realized I already knew." I said and he smiled softly. "Keep looking." Jack said and I sighed. "No key. There's no key!" I shouted, panic flooding through my body. "All right, Betty, listen. You're gonna have to go find some help." Jack said and I nodded. "It'll be all right. I'll be right back."

"Hello? ls there anyone here? Hello?" I shouted running through the cold water, it was just above my ankles. "Is there anybody down here? We need help! Hello?!" I shouted and no one was there. "Damnit! Can anybody hear me, please?! Hello?! Hello?! Oh, thank God. Wait, please, I need your help.
There's a man back here and he's--
Wait!" I shouted after another man but he'd already ran away. "Hello?! Hello?"

I let out a cry as I seen a waiter. "Miss, you shouldn't be here now." He said but I shook my head. "I need your help. There is a man down here and he is trapped!" I shouted but he dragged me along. "This way, yes. All right. There's no need to panic." The waiter said and I wrenched my arm away. "No, I'm not panicking! You're going the wrong way! Let go of me! Listen!" I said and punched him in the face.

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