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IT'S EARLY WHEN I step into Castle's office. I've just gotten out of bed, but he looks wide awake as I sit down across from him.

I feel mildly exhausted from staying awake all night, and my brain hurts a bit, but it's fine. I'm used to it. When I'm sat, I force any remaining thoughts of last nights dream out of my head.

"Miss Torres," Castle nods his head in greeting. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I respond, fidgeting with my hands. "What's the reason you wanted to see me for?"

"Ah, yes," he says this as if he's just remembered that I'm here for a reason, not just for simple chit-chat. "Miss Torres, you are aware that you remain the strongest person at Omega Point, yes?"

I nod. He nods with me. He seems to like nodding, I've noticed over the past months.

"The reason I've called you here today regards Kenji's mission." Castle tells me this so abruptly it takes me a moment to process.

I blink a few times. "Sorry—what? I thought the details of his mission were strictly confidential."

Castle sighs, as if it brings him some deal of pain to say this. "They are. But I'm only sharing it with you because I feel you are the best option for this task." he agrees with me. "You see, Kenji's mission is now also your mission."

My mouth drops open. "M-my mission? Are you saying you want me to join Kenji up at the base?"

"Indeed," Castle nods again. "It seems he's been having some trouble up there all by himself. At least, that's what it seems like from what I could discern from his reports. You've been registered as a soldier already. Only pack things you know you need."

I hold my hands out. "Wait, wait," I pause. "Why me? I get that I'm 'the strongest', but  how will I be able to contribute. How will I help Kenji?"

"You're abilities will be helpful in self-defense of course. And manipulating objects to help you sneak around more easily. Your stealth skills are one of the best we have, as well."

I should be flattered by his compliments, but I ignore them. On any other day, I would've, but now I'm too shocked to think about it. "When do I leave?"



CASTLE EXPLAINS IT all. The objective of the mission: to protect Juliette Ferrars, and bring her back to Omega Point, safe and alive. He tells me what she can do and what it's capable of. That throws me off, but only slightly.

CAPTIVATION • AARON WARNERWhere stories live. Discover now