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"So what's going on with you and Satang," Ford asked sliding his way into a seat in the cafeteria.

Prom joined them sitting by Winny's side while the other was across from him.

Winny looked at Ford tilting his head, "What are you talking about?"

"You guys are like always together," Ford said mixing his rice.

Prom nodded opening his sandwich, "Yeah I started to notice that as well."

Winny shrugged, "I don't know we are just studying for finals. I'm trying to make my family proud, I don't know if you've noticed."

"You never cared about it before," Ford said taking a bite.

Winny rolled his eyes, "Well I'll have you know that my dad has been ignoring me for days so until I pass my finals he's not looking in my direction."

"Come on, he's your dad he just can't ignore you," Prom said.

Winny sighed a bit, "Well he doesn't talk to me much, I'm starting to miss getting yelled at."

The two boys watched Winny let out a dry laugh. Prom and Ford glanced at each other, then looked back at Winny. Ford watched as Winny poked at his food.

Soon Winny's frown was replaced with a smile as a drink was set before him. Winny followed the hand up to the person, Satang. This was the first time Satang came near Winny during school like this.

"I brought you a drink but I just realized you didn't want me to act like I know you during school hours," Satang stated.

Winny took the drink, "No it's okay, people can know we are friends, I don't mind.

"So you guys are friends," Prom said.

Ford quirked his eyebrow, "And since when?"

Satang glanced up drawing his attention away from Winny, "Oh, I have been his tutor for a while now."

Ford blinked, "so this is who was tutoring you? Why didn't you tell us? Finals are coming up we could have used the help too!"

"My dad wanted me to have private lessons, also if you needed help you could just ask Mark," Winny said.

Ford blushed looking down, "No I don't want to bother him."

Satang smiled, "I doubt you would be bothering him, he's kind of left out anyway since I tutor Winny and Fourth is always with Gemini. He's probably tired of being a third-wheeler."

"We can ask together, finals are soon and I need to average out my grades," Prom said.

Winny clapped, "That's a good idea prom, look he's right there you can ask him right now."

Prom noticed the boy in the distance, "yeah I'll go right now Ford come with me."

Winny watched as Prom got up and dragged Ford after him. Satang looked at Winny's side profile with a smile. Satang sat down next to Winny on the edge of the seat.

Winny turned to Satang and jumped a bit back from shock, putting distance between each other since they were pretty close. Winny blushed a bit considering their proximity in public.

"Don't get so close to me in public, people are going to look at us weird," Winny mumbled.

"It was just one time," Satang sighed.

"You also hinted at them that we were together, " Winny scoffed.

"Are we not,"  Satang tilted his head.

Winny laughed, "I don't remember either of us asking."

Satang pouted, "Do I have to ask?"

Winny waved his hand, "Go away, I'll see you at my house later."

Satang rolled his eyes and huffed, "Fine, see ya."


Winny pushed his front door open, Satang following him. Shoes off in the front hall as they quietly made their way to the dining room. That's where they usually studied but when Winny peeked in he pushed Satang back.

"Stop," Winny Whispered.

"Why are you whispering? What's wrong?"

Satang looked at Winny as he glanced back, "Your dad is here."

Satang's eyes widened, "he's what?"

Winny put a finger over his lips, "We will have to go to my room."

"I still have to run across, " Satang said.

"We go together at the same time quietly, if my dad calls I'll go out," Winny said.

Satang nodded, "got it."

Quickly the two boys ran over to the other side of the wall, Satang made his way down the hall to Winny's room. Winny followed behind the other boy but he stopped in his tracks when his name was called.

"Winny, are you home?"

Winny took a deep breath, he wouldn't have been spoken to if Satang's father wasn't here, "yeah Dad I'm here."

"Come here real quick," his father called.

Satang looked back at Winny, but he told him to give him a minute before Winny put a small smile on his face and walked out to the parents.

"What did you need me for," Winny said, he tried to be polite.

"Mr.Sereevichayasawat was asking me about you," his father said.

Winny looked at the male, he looked a bit younger than his own father though they were the same age. Hardships make you age fast, which meant that Satang's father had no struggles. However, the male looked at Winny differently than his own father does, possibly more different from how he looks at his own son.

Satang's father drank his dark roast coffee and scanned Winny's figure, "You've grown a lot since the last time I saw you."

Winny nodded, "Yes."

"How are your grades?"

Winny smiled a bit, "better, I've been studying a lot harder and have average grades. They will go up again once I pass the finals."

"Are those soon?"

"Next week."

The male nodded, Winny looked at his father wanting to be dismissed. However, the male kept him there, standing in his spot waiting to go back to Satang.

"I hope your father has been less strict on you," Mr.Sereevichayasawat said.

Winny blinked, "why do you say that? Though he is strict, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have made this academic change."

He almost saw his own dad smile from the corner of his eyes but, the other male in Infront of him did not look impressed by this reply. Almost as if he didn't see Winny's father as a father.

The male stood up from where he sat on the couch, "I'll be going now, thank you for having me over."

Winny Wai'd to him but couldn't help but tilt his head at the male's actions, what was he hiding? Does Satang know?

I'll have to ask him later.

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