Chapter two

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It was dark but not completely intimidating. It was peaceful in a way. It wasn't completely dark but also there was nowhere near the light. It almost felt like I was meant to be here someway, somehow. Though I could not see them, I still felt as if Magnus and Alexander were close. I knew I was not alone. I wandered for a while, not knowing where I was going or what I would find with every turn I took. I felt safer with each waking turn. With each turn, the dark room became lighter. I could tell my time in this room was long overdue. This room was the only place besides Magnus or Alexander's arms that made me feel secure from my father. I knew this room was a good thing, but I also wanted so badly to return home. From that big room with the oversized bed to the safety and comfort of Alexander and Magnus's love and compassion. I knew I did not want to spend any unnecessary time in this room, and that I wanted to find a way out of this room when the time came. I stopped. I did not turn any more corners, instead, I stood still. I felt the need to embrace the peacefulness and just allow my mind and subconscious to wonder. In doing so it provided the chance to think about everything that has happened in my life over the past 2 days. It has only been 2 days since the man with golden eyes pondered over my little antique crib. It was insane to think that in the time it took the old people to leave and be replaced, my entire life changed. It was a lot to process, and it really did scare me. But in a way, I did not feel scared instead I felt like with every step I took I could change the path beneath. I felt empowered. And just like that the room lit up like a thousand light bulbs. Tiny blue sparkly lines danced across the room. They twisted and

curled. Made in a form I could have never imagined yet; it was the last thing that the lines showed me that got me thinking. It had me questioning why I really felt safe here and why I was even here at all. As the lines finished their little dance, they showed me alexander and Magnus looking over my limp body. I was passed out in Magnus's arms, just lying there, all that was moving was my little chest moving up and down at a rapid pace. Even though Magnus and alexander were there I could also see someone else someone far more dangerous. My father, the king of Hell himself. He wasn't blue like the rest of the images, instead, he was gold. I knew the lines were trying to tell me something, yet I just couldn't grasp what yet. All that was crossing my mind was

"I need to get out of here..."

I needed to save my newly founded family from the harm of my father, from the harm of the one thing that can take it all away. I couldn't concentrate, all I could feel was my emotions spiraling faster than the speed of light. Anger, fear, and sadness all flooded my mind. Red lines then yellow then blue all coming at me faster and faster with each new thought. At last, it was too much I just wanted it to stop so I put my hands up and focused all my power on my tiny fingertips. And then it all stopped. It was all peaceful again. I felt better than ever, and I knew that I would be out of this dark place very soon.



"Magnus! What's Wrong with him!?!?" Alexander asked with a worried look and freaked-out tone.

"He's fine babe... don't worry!"

"How can I not worry! He's literally lying here limp in my arms!"

"ALEC!" Magnus screamed as he grabbed hold of Alexanders hands.

"You just need to breathe ill watch him. Why don't you go and take a break, he won't wake up for a few days. I recommend taking the time to go to visit Jace, Clary, and Issy! She misses you!"

"Magnus you don't understand I can't just leave I need to be here when he wakes up..."

"I'm telling you right now he is not going to wake in the next hour or even the next day."

"Then why don't we both go... and take max I think its about time we tell someone about him."


"Yeah... I thought he needed a name and so I thought of Maxwell and then I thought of way to shorten that."

"It's perfect" Magnus said as he kissed alexander on the cheek.

"On the contrary, I do think a little vacation is overdue."

"Alexander! Wake up we're here!"

"Wha, oh" alexander said with a groggy voice. He looked back at me very quickly to make sure I was still there. I watched as they got out and snuck through the back gate of a large building. The image started to gain colors other than blue. I decided to watch them some more mainly because I felt safer when I knew they had me..and would never abandon me. They were like my new family and saviors. I watched as they snuck up behind two women, one with hair that blazed like the sun and one with dark hair cold as the midnight almost reminded of Alexander's hair...I wonder.

Magnus and Alexander both looked at each other then back at the two women next thing I knew they both were hugging them from behind and right after that they both were on the ground, and my limp body was floating in the air (credits to Magnus's magic) They were both laughing hysterically while being pinned.

"Alec! What the actual hell! Where in the right mind gave you the idea to sneak up on us!" The one with dark hair spoke

"Woah now Issy this was a dual effort I was not the only one here!" Alexander replied...I have not heard the name she used before, but I believe that was only because I have only known Magnus and Alexander. The two released the hold they had over the two men. They all got off the ground and hugged one another again.

"Who is this?" The one with blazing hair questioned. I watched as I was lowered into Magnus's arms very carefully.

"Oh! That's right you have not been formally introduced!" Alexander said with a smile on his face. "Max, these are your aunties! Issy and Clary."

"Aww, that's so cute!" Issy stated. I knew she was going to be the fun one and I knew Clary was going to be the soft and understanding one.

"Where's Jace?" Alexander asked. That's when Clary and Izzy both looked at each other and started to laugh.

Magnus was to pre-occupied with me to notice the very puzzled look on Alexanders face.

"Let's Just say it's a good thing Magnus is here" Clary said still laughing.

"Why?" Alexander said even more confused.

"Well, there was a rouge Vampire...And ever since Raphel deemed Simon the new clan leader, we needed a vamp, and Jace well is the best shadow hunter we have when I said there was a new mission he was the first to agree without hearing what it now Simon and Jace are stuck out in the field together. Issy said barley able to control herself.

"Is that why I can feel him getting more agitated" Alexander asked now starting to laugh.

I enjoyed the feeling when my entire family was happy. Once Alexander and my aunts were done. Alexander led me and Magnus to a room in the huge building. It was a smaller room with a bed spread in a dull blue color, a dresser with a tv, and a bathroom. Magnus snapped his fingers, and I was in the middle of the blue bed.

That's when I felt it...a feeling in my chest that was not there before suddenly, I wasn't the small child in the bed, I was grown, and I looked to be about five years old. I was so confused but had no time to think about what was coming next before I was actually back in the dull blue bed. I still wasn't the small child anymore I returned the big kid. Which definitely confused and freaked Alexander and Magnus.

I was also freaked out, I just wanted to be back in that dark room. So, I did what any other kid would do. I retreated to the covers. I hid under them. The next thing I knew there was a little light above me and when I looked up there was a curious-looking Alexander and Magnus. My eyes started to fill with tears as I jumped up into Magnus's arms. He held me tightly, he knew that I was scared, and I bet he was too. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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