Do i like him?

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I woke up, it was 7:00

I stood up and rubbed my eyes and stretched. I went into the bathroom and changed. I put my hair down. I went into the living room to find my shoes. I finally found them. "Bye, mom." I said she ignored me. I went outside, and I forgot my backpack in the woods "Shit" I whispered to myself.

I saw Tom and Bill walking up to the bus stop. Bill came up to me. "So?" Bill said
"I don't know, Bill," I said. "Please just give him a chance he was crying all night," Bill said. "Just give me some time to think, okay?" I said "fine" Bill said.

The bus finally arrived.

I thought Tom was going to push me again, so I let him go first "No you can go." Tom said,"Are you going to push me again?" I said,'No." Tom said I went on the bus. I saw Isabella. I forgot about Isabella damn I went to her seat and sat down next to her.

"Wow, so you're going to show up randomly now?" Isabella said,"I'm sorry I was sick." I lied ."Why were you talking to Bill?" Isabella said."He's my friend, I guess, You know that Tom bullys me,Bill saw Tom bullying me,and he started talking to me. He's nice." I said."You better not like him, " Isabella whispered "Huh I don't?" I said "yea sure" Isabella said.

"I don't, Isabella," I said. "Yes, you do," Isabella said. "Shut up, I don't." I said
"Well, he probably likes you, " Isabella said "Isabella shut the fuck up I don't like him I already told you who I like"
I said "Who then?its probably bill" Isabella said laughing "Shut the fuck up Isabella are you jealous?I don't like Bill I can't have a boy as a friend the fuck?" I yelled "I'm not controlling you Lu!You can have a guy as a friend okay?I'm not jealous,And you never told me who you like I'm just saying you like bill" Isabella yelled back

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ISABELLA IM TELLING YOU I DONT LIKE BILL HE IS JUST MY FRIEND I LIKE TOM-" I yelled everybody was looking at me I started getting more piss Tom and bill was looking at me surprised the bus stopped and I looked and saw we were finally at school "Fuck you Isabella" I said

I walked down the aisle pushing everyone I got off the bus and ran Till I  was inside the school it wasn't time yet for classes to start so I just walked down the hallways to try to find a bathroom I finally found one and went into the stalls and I just stood there for 5 minutes regretting what I said now everyone is going to know I like Tom. The bell rang, and the classes had already started. I was late. I ran to my classroom and opened the door. Everyone was looking at me "Lu  your late." The teacher said "Sorry I got lost, " I said and sat down. Bill was looking at me for about ten seconds, I tried to ignore him. While in class, I realized that in the next class, I have Tom in my class. I freaked out because he was going to know that I liked him.

The first period was over. I started walking to the second period, and I saw Tom. I tried not to look at him. I walked into the classroom. Tom was behind me. I sat down, and Tom sat right next to me. I tried to move my chair away from him a little, but he saw, so I stopped second period. It was so boring I fell asleep. I woke up by Tom taping me on the shoulder. I looked at him and said nothing. I got up and left the classroom.

next period I have jealous Isabella she is such a bitch I walked to third period I sat down and saw Isabella she was looking at me I flipped her off she got Hella piss and ran towards me and push me to the ground "What the fuck!?" I said while getting up "You like bill you fucking bitch" Isabella said "Shut the fuck up your fucking jealous" I said "I'm not fucking jealous I just-" Isabella said I slapped her "I can't believe I was your fucking friend you pick me bitch" I said Isabella started hitting me I grab her hair and threw her on the ground she hit her head hard she started crying "Fucking bitch" I said I kicked her. I sat down.

third period was over when I was walking out of the class room the principal came up to me "Come into my office" the principal said. No way that bitch snitch I walked behind the principal everyone was looking at me we finally got to principal office I saw Isabella crying she had a icepack on her head "What did she do to you Isabella" the principal said all nice "She threw me on the wall punched me a lot and threw me on the floor" Isabella said crying "WHAT THE FUCK SHES LYING I DID NOT PUNCH HER I SLAPED HER I DINDT EVEN THREW HER ON THE WALL SHE WAS THE ONE WHO THREW THE FIRST PUNCH FUCKING LYING BITCH" I said "Ay AY do not cuss. Isabella, are you lying?" The principal yelled.

"No, I'm not." Isabella cried."She is. I never did that!?" I yelled ,"Isabella, tell the truth, " the principal yelled

"FINE I THREW THE FIRST PUNCH I LIED," Isabella said. "Two weeks of suspension," the principal said. "What!?" Isabella said,"One week for throwing the first punch and other week for lying, " the principal said "whatever" Isabella said

It was lunchtime, but I didn't eat anything. I went outside and sat down on the grass. I saw Bill coming towards me.

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