The surgery went fine.

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I woke up

"Hi lu your awake. The surgery went great!" Mrs Vicky said I smiled. I still felt tired. I didn't have the energy to talk. I opened my eyes more. I looked around the room. I was back in my room. Mrs. Vicky left the room. I looked at the time it was five in the afternoon.

"Where's Lu!" I heard Bill voice in the hallway he burst in the room "Lu!!I'm glad you're okay. Tom and I got you gifts!!" Bill said with a smile "Aw thanks you didn't have to, " I said with no energy "Tom had to take a shit he's in the bathroom we can open the gifts when he's done?" Bill said l laughed."Yea, sure, " I said

Tom finally came. "Finally back from your shit?" Bill said,"I didn't take a shit Bill. I couldn't find the room damn, " Tom said "Yeah whatever u say, open your gifts now!" Bill said I opened it. It was a bear and a picture of Tom? "It's the best gift ever," Tom said. I laughed. "Best gift every thank u," I said, smiling
"Open mines now!!" Bill said while handing his gift to me, I opened it up. It was an album of their music! "Omg, thanks so much, bill!how did you know I liked your guys music?" I said."I guessed me and Tom thought of it!" Bill said,"Thank you, Bill and Tom, " I said with a smile

"You're welcome!" Tom and Bill said,"Where is Lu!!?" I heard my mom's voice? She opened the door "Lu omg sweetie are you okay? I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in the hospital sweetie they called me after your surgery. I'm sorry I was angry at you!" My mom said

"It's fine, mom. I'm doing better now, " I said."Who are these boys?" My mom said,"Oh hi! I'm Bill, her friend, " Bill said."I'm Tom, her boyfriend." Tom said "Oh sorry! She never told me about you guys. We were in an argument, " my mom said.

Boyfriend what the fuck? I mean, at least my mom is not mad. I don't really care if he said im her boyfriend. I mean, I do like him...."How was the surgery?" My mom said,"It was fine, " I said."I'm glad you're okay," my mom said "Yea I'm going to leave the hospital today. I'm finally healed, " I said."That's great!" My mom said.

The nurse came into the room "Lu you are good to go!" The nurse said,"Thank you for everything!" I said."No problem," the nurse said while leaving the room "Here let me help you get up," Tom said. " Thanks." I said I got up and got my stuff. I left the hospital. I went into the car
"I can give you boys a ride!" My mom said "No you don't have to" bill said "No you can't be walking in the freeway!let me give you boys a ride" my mom said "Thank you" Bill said "I want to sit in the middle!" Tom said "fine" Bill said. Tom was sitting right next to me.

Halfway thru the car ride, Tom put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and smiled. How is this boy so pretty? How does he even like me? I'm glad I have him. I was just looking at him for the past two minutes. He's so pretty,handsome,perfect, I lay my head on his shoulder,

we finally got home "Miss can she come to our house and hang out? we hadn't talked to her in days, please?" Bill said "Yes that's fine. Where do you live?" My mom said,"we live right next to you!" Bill said,"Really?then that's fine, lu don't be out too late, okay?" My mom said "Okay bye mom!" I said while leaving the car "Bye have fun, " my mom said

I went into their house

"Lu, what are we going to do!?" Bill said."What do you mean, Bill?" Tom said,
"About Isabella," Bill said "Ughh why right now?" I said."We have to.what are  we going to do. we have to do something ?!" Bill said,

"I don't know Bill" I said "we have to beat Her ass" Bill said "I have to think about it" I said "Bill don't force her" Tom said "I'm not I'm just saying If I was her I wouldn't let that slide" Bill said "Well what lu says I will do it to" Tom said "Please?" Bill said

"Fine, let's beat her ass." I said

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