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"Happy at last"


It's been a few weeks since, well that event. Just about everything has gone back to normal, well aside from Bakugo talking to me less. Did I do something? I'll have to try and remember later

There's been a rumor going around school for a while now. The rumors about 1A Might be going on A special training exercise. Personally I don't think we are if we would be then we would probably know that by now. The rumors have been out for at least two weeks. But hey, I wouldn't mind if it was true


" come on you gotta do something" I couldn't think of a reason Bakugo would avoid me so now I'm begging literally anyone in the Bakusquad if they know anything about it.
"I'm sorry bro, i'm surprised you haven't figured it out, but then again you're pretty oblivious"

I gasp dramatically "how dare you say such things! I am anything but" Sero snorted out a laugh. He is definitely one of the easiest Bakusquad members to talk to, well besides Bakugo. "You said butt" he said in his now louder fit of laughter. I deadpanned
"really bro"


"Well you can't keep ghosting him, he thinks you're mad at him" Pinky said, as if I didn't know that "WELL WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?" I shot back at her

"I don't knoww... confesses?" "FUCK NO"
That is the last thing I want to do if he rejects me, I'll look like an idiot! "No way in HELL am I doing that shit"


"Are you ready?!" How the fuck did this happen. "No"
"Great then knock on his door" Then Pinky turned the corner disappearing.

'Like hell I'm going to do this' I thought turning around to go back to my dorm, then I heard knocking. When I turned back around I saw Pinky turn the corner and Pikachu's door open

'Shit' "Umm, you need something Bakugo?" Fuck you Pinky, when I get out of this you're beyond dead. "Can I talk to you?" He looked a bit confused but let me in the room.

Pikachu took a seat next to me on his bed seemingly a bit awkward doing so, but I have been ghosting him for awhile. "Soo, what did you need to talk about?". He looked up at me with his amber eyes that I loved so much.

I guess I mumbled it at first because Denki obviously did not hear me. "what?" He questioned. I mumbled again, this time a little louder but still not audible. "Sorry?" At this point I was getting impatient

"I LOVE YOU OK!!" I kinda yelled that out and Denki just froze, probably processing what I just said, or more likely thinking of how to turn me down. I got up about to leave when I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me back down on the bed

"I love you too" Denki whispered as I turned towards him, looking him dead in his beautiful eyes

After a brief second I said "Can I ?" softly grabbing him by the chin "Yes". With that I pulled in for a kiss. It was amazing, his lips were so soft I just wanted to stay like that forever.

It felt like it was just the two of us in the whole world. Then fucking soy sauce knocked on the door "Hey bro, you there? You said that you could help me study for the English test tomorrow". Fucking idiot.
"Tomorrow 6:30pm, dress casual, we're going to the movies"

Then I got up and opened the door
"Bakugo!?" "Fuck off" I pushed past soy sauce and went to my dorm


What do I wear!? My room was a mess, clothes everywhere. I would ask Mina to help me, but she would just swoon over me and Bakugo. He said to dress casual, and now I'm having flashbacks to Monday when I was at the mall with Mina and Jirou

"Look Denks! I found a plain black crop top" Mina exclaimed "You would look so cute in it!!" "It would also go well with the jeans you just bought" Jirou added "I don't know.. looks like it could be a little big for me don't you think? I'm a medium" "It's a large but I'm sure it'll fit you fine" Said Mina "If you think so" I sighed

Where did I put it? Oh yea I look under my bed and take out the bag in which I left what I bought in, I decided to put on a bright yellow choker and wrap a bright yellow sweater around my waist

Look at the time it was 6:20 pm so I decided I would clean all the clothes I had thrown across the room and put them away


'Knock Knock' "Oi Pikachu you in there?!"
I open the door to see Bakugo. "Is that how you talk to your date?" I said teasingly. He blushed a bit, that was cute "Whatever let's go, before Pinky comes" He said looking away


"If you don't mind me asking, why did you ghost me?" The walk to the movies was only 15 minutes, so might as well burn time by talking to each other. "I guess I really couldn't, well see you without getting flustered. I just needed time to come to terms with my feelings"

"You got flustered when you saw me~" that was the part that my brain really picked up.
"S-Shut up!" Bakugo yelled embarrassed. I laughed, blushing a bit too

"Wait- what movie are we watching?" We made the plans just yesterday so he never got the chance to tell me "Wouldn't you like to know"
I wish I could've slapped the smirk off his face


"I hate you" "no you don't" Bakugo said. He took me to see a fucking horror movie! He knows I HATE horror. I just can't take it.
"It was just a movie" "Yeah, one that will give me nightmares" I shot back at him "ok, fine how about I get you some food?". I am pretty hungry.



I could not believe what I was hearing. The rumors about class 1A going on a special training exercise were true! It probably would've been easier if they just confirmed it when the rumor STARTED but oh well. "So any other questions?" Mr.Aizawa said. Just about everybody rose their hand but he ignored everyone and went to sleep

I went to Bakugo's desk witch the Bakusquad was already crowded around. "What pro heroes do you think are going to be there?" Kirishima said "Probably not a lot, it is just a training exercise, but if I were to guess, hmm maybe Mr.Aizawa and Present Mic" Mina smiled. "Where would we even go?" The question wasn't directed at anyone so I answered "Probably one of the fake cities" I said as I sat on the side of Bakugo's desk

"Welp it's happening this weekend so we'll find out soon". With that the bell rang for our next class

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