0 | Prologue

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Jesse Fray was the eldest of the two Fray siblings, plus a bonus Lewis boy named Simon. Simon had been in his life for as long as he could remember - well he could remember his baby sister coming home excited that she made a new friend in school that day. Jocelyn had been ecstatic.

Jocelyn Fray. The mother of the two siblings had a clear favourite throughout the years. It was hard to miss. So hard, past teachers at school had to talk to the older woman about how Jesse has a lack of attention from her. He never blamed her though. He could see it in her eyes whenever she looked at him. A sense of familiarity that would quickly turn to a dull hatred, peaking out between her lashes.

There was one part of him that didn't remind Jocelyn of anything; it was individually Jesse's and no one else. His blind eye. Jesse had been blind in his right eye since childhood. He doesn't know whether he was born with it or if something happened - Jocelyn didn't want to talk about it and Luke didn't know.

Despite all of that he never hated his mom, I mean she's his mother. He has to love her. But he doesn't like her. She is still a part of him and he can't change that. He knows she can't unsee it either. The red hair and greenish eyes that are more pale in comparison to Clary's. He also notices when Jocelyn sees his father in him. Jesse didn't know his dad - not well anyway. He had blurry, fuzzy memories of a field and another child; a friend? He's never too sure, it always changes. Jesse notices that his rage, stubbornness and 'coldness' towards Jocelyn, is the same as his father's. He sees it on her face every time one of their traits rears its head in her direction.

This was the polar opposite of Clarissa (she hated being called her full name, Jesse always teased her.) She was like Jocelyn's mini-me. Everyone noticed, the only reason anyone could tell Jesse was related was the red hair, the same red his mother refused to let him bleach; she never explained herself. Just a simple no. That look of dull hate.

Clary was a ray of sunshine to Jocelyn but to Jesse, she was like . . . English weather. Unpredictable yet can be beautiful. Heavy on the unpredictable.

This truly shined when he had come out to Clary when he was 14 and she was 12. She didn't care, she just wanted her big brother to be happy. Jesse was so happy that she had taken it well, she was the first he told and he wanted to keep it that way until CLary let it slip to Luke one time whilst their mother was upstairs getting ready.

Luke was standing at the kitchen counter, flicking through some books he had found and skimming them. Across from him sat the young Clary, sketching in a book that Luke had brought over with him.

The duo were in silence before Jesse had come in, looking for a snack before he started on the homework his mom had been bothering him about. At the sound of the fridge opening CLary looked up at grinned at her brother before her eyes lit up and turned to Luke, "Luke! Jesse told me a secret today, He has a crush on Liam from his science class." She spoke with a childlikeness to her tone.

Jesse's feelings were the opposite of childlike after his sister's voice reached his ears. He felt his blood turn to ice and not being able to move, just staring at the cheese on the middle shelf. It was quiet. He could only hear his breathing- he didn't want to turn around. What if Luke hates him, What if he says it's just a phase, What if-

Luke's voice cut off his anxiety. "Oh, I've met Liam's dad. Good kid. A bit rough for you though Jesse." he spoke with a somewhat soft tone as if speaking to a distressed puppy.

Jesse slowly turned around and closed the fridge behind his back. "R-really? I think he's okay." his voice shook as he spoke. Luke closed his book and walked up to him, wrapping his arms around the boy, tall for his age. "It's okay kid."

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