Chapter three - Good news

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" And then what"Kayla said acting like she's enjoying the story

"And then, he talked to me saying


"I am so sorry,I didn't see you, ita not right to hit cute girls " he said with a wink

"No worries......" Misha said while blushing

"So,may I know you name,clearly since you know mine" Drake said with his soothing voice

"My name is Miha,no misha" Misha said lost of words

"Oh,I understand, see you around" Drake said winking at Misha

"Well, see... you...bye" Misha said still lost of words

End of flashback

" isn't that great" Misha said looking dreamy

"Yeah sure, but what's so great about it,no offense" Kayla said waiting for a response from dreamy Misha

"It's great because sooner I might become his friend and then his girlfriend"

"What's wrong with this girl, is this what love looks like urgh" Kayla said lost in thoughts

"Hey Kayla are you even listening to me" Misha said looking at her

"Yeah, I am listening but i have some good news for you" Kayla said looking excited

" You finally have a boyfriend" Misha said guessing

"No eww"kayla said looking disgusted

"Then what's the good news"Misha said sitting on sofa

" I am coming to your school starting from tomorrow" Kayla said excitedly

"What Kayla,Am so happy for you and also for me because i will finally have my best friend with me 24/7" Misha said squealing

"I know and I'll also be the judge if your love story with drake,I don't want another break up for you when you finally date someone"Kayla said happily

"I know right and then finally you might be able to fall in love with a boy  in my school" Misha said squealing

"In my previous I don't like any boys there so what makes you think that I would fall I love with the boys in your school" Kayla said with a proud look

"Yeah, I know it's true, but just watchand diunt say I didn't tell you" Misha said before winking at Kayla

"Lets just have a goodnight sleep after calling my mum,I left the house in such a rush because of you" Kayla said about to call her mother

"Awwn, what will i do without you" Misha said pulling her legs

"Don't rub it in girl,just give me a minute" Kayla said walking outside of misha's room

"Hey mum, sorry I left the house like that I was so worried about Misha when she told me there was an emergency" Kayla shook her head

"What dear us everything alright" Her mum said feeling worried on the phone

"Oh it's nothing, but I think I am gonna stay at her house tonight since its late" Kayla said resting her hand on the dining table

"Ok but have you told her the news yet" mum said lifting the tense situation

"Yeah, I've told her and she's way happy than I am" Kayla said while rolling her eyes

"Of course she would,she's your best friend"mum said

"Yeah yeah I know but mum have gotta go I'll see you tomorrow"Kayla said shortening their conversation

"Ok dear have a goodnight rest" mum said

"I will and you too mum" Kayla said as she blows a kiss

"Girl ain't you sleeping anymore because of Derek or are you still dreaming about him" Kayla said with a disgusted look

"Yeah but who won't dream about him" Misha said still dreaming

"Fine let's just go to sleep, Goodnight  "Kayla said about to turn off the night light

"Goodnight, oh I can't wait" Misha said excitedly

"About what,oh I understand now Goodnight"Kayla said turning to the other side of the bed

HEY guys thanks for reading please

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And also I really appreciate you guys for the love and enthusiastic encouragement you guys give to me


Love you guys so much

And also read my other books titled

High school popularity

Olivia's diary

And don't forget to comment on it and tell me that you feel about it

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