Chapter four-Introduction

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Misha POV

Okay, let's get this straight I gave Kayla a tour to our school but she was not that impressed. Let me show you

"Kayla, this are the locker and this is yours locker 207, feel free to decorate" Misha giggles has she said that sentence

"What, you know I ain't got time for that, I aint like you who is always stuck up in girly activities" Kayla rolled her eyes

"Yeah exactly, you are a girl so why won't you have a girly attribute" Misha pats Kayla on her shoulders


" I know when it comes to you there is always a but, but don't worry I will help you to decorate and you will feel like a queen whenever you open it" Misha held her hands high in an attempt to make Kayla imaginate

" What, no thank you, I like it the way it is" Kayla said locking her locker back

"Fine it's useless talking to you, no offense" Misha rested her body on the lockers

"None taken" Kayla said smiling

Misha POV

Can you see that, Kayla is lucky that am her bestfriend because she is so boring and I'll be the one who helps to improve her fashion style and relationship with boys but she's bot with me on that relationship stuff.

"Okay students, let's open our textbook to page 276 now who can tell me the meaning of SI unit if force" Mrs Liana placed her hands on the desk waiting for a response or for a hand to be raised.
     But no one raised their hands and then she had no choice than to call names and I was the first to be called. Lucky me 😣 and it had to be on my first day, I stood up and then looked at the back hoping to get a response from Misha but none......

"Miss Kayla what is the SI unit of force" She removed her glasses and now I was really ashamed of myself for not knowing the question. Then suddenly................

"Ma I think the SI unit of force should be push" Jason said and laughter erupted in the class

"What, how can the SI unit of force the push on physics, Miss Kayla you can have your seat, Jason see me after class" Mrs Liana said while rubbing her forehead

"Sure" Jason winked at the teacher but luckily she didn't know that it was to her since she was probably old school

"Thank you" I whispered to Jason who was clearly sitting beside me and I didn't notice

Hey girl, you brought your lunch awesome I love your mum's spaghetti and meatballs. Let me have some

In the cafeteria
Misha love my mum's spaghetti better than I do and my mum loves to make it more often whenever she comes to my place. I shared some of my meal with her and she also shared her lunch with me

"Where's your knight in shining armour" Misha said raising her eyebrows continuously and smiling at the same time and this means only one thing

Oh Misha, must we always talk about love, Fine he helped me from being laughed at and I thanked him and that was it, what's even is name Jason, he's not my type and you know that I do t have time for that" i said patting  Misha on her head

"Ahh😲 Jason isn't you type, the most handsome boy in school, he's friends with Drake and he's also the captain of the football team, and you said that he isn't your type" Misha expression looked like this again 😲 Girl you are weird

"No am not because he's the guy with all the attributes you just narrated doesn't mean that he's my type" I rolled my eyes

"There's no use talking to you on this stuff so let's change the subject" Misha said with her two hands on her chin

"Well I was thinking maybe thus weekend we could go for...... Ahhhh, what the" I was shocked and when I looked back it was Bianca.

The lost meanest girl in our school and is also dating Jason. I mean how can a cute guy fall in love with a monster, Misha's words not mine and here I am minding my own business but is now in the centre of attention of a jealous girlfriend monster, still her words not mine. I was sad schoked with what she did to me and if you want to know read chapter five when it is published.

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And also you can tell me your thoughts about the story in the comments.

Thanks and also I am going to be showing you the casts, yeah I know that should have been the first chapter but I forgot and I really want you guys to see the characters like man Kayla is a very cut and beautiful girl but doesn't have time for boys, so boring

Well bye and wait for chapter five it will soon be published

Bye 🖐🖐🖐🖐👋

Love you guys so much and I really appreciate your support

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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