Promise me?

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You and Jack where on a cruise with your family so they could get to know eachother and it has been going pretty well. You and Jack have been dating for almost a year now and he has never fully met your family , so tonight you guys are going to have a family dinner because you guys are all basically family . There was 1 more hour until you guys all had to go to the restaurant to meet up with everyone else and it was just you and Jack together now. You and Jack have just been sitting in your guys rooms cuddling before you suggested going on a walk around the cruise. You and Jack walked about hand in hand talking about the most random stuff when he randomly stopped . You look at him confused as he began to go down on one knee , you then thought he was tieing his lases before he brought out the most beautiful looking ruby red ring out of a black tiny box "y/n I have loved you since I met you and I wanna be with you forever, there is nobody in this world I would rather be with so this is my promise to always be loyal to you no matter what " you stared at him I'm so much shock not knowing what to say . " do you accept my promise ring ?" He adds on . You began to smile so wide and realized you wouldn't actually mind marrying Jack tho it was just a promise ring you love him so much too. "Yes I accept your promise ring " you say basically jumping up and down . Jack gets up and puts the ring on you and holds you so tight until you can't breathe . He lets go and gives you the most passionate kiss you have ever received, you cannot stop smiling "I love you " Jack says " I love you more " you reply.

Writers note
Thank you guys for requesting story's I love you all . <3

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