☆What Is This☆

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🌊Giyu's POV🌊
I can feel my face heating up as I walk back to front counter with my head facing down. Sabito is finishing taking an order and says, "Makomo, Mitsuri, could you take these please?" The two women nod and start to make the orders, while I walk over to Sabito.

"Sabi," I ask, my head still looking at the floor, trying to hide the blush that's on my face, "you have a minute?"

"Yeah," he says, "I'm all ears." I look up at him with my red face, instantly making him worried. "Yo, are you ok," he says, concern laced in his voices he looks at me, "you look sick."

"I-I'm fine," I say and look at the handsome man in the seat, "do you know who he is?" Sabito turns to look where my eyes are starting at and he smiles.

"Oh, Sanemi," Sabito says, "he's a regular here, why are you asking?" I see the man turning his head to look at me and when he noticed my gaze, he winked at me which made me look back at Sabito. "Oh~ Giyu's finally fallen for someone," he teased, and I turn my head to look back at the ground.

"S-Shut up," I stutter, the blush on my face spreading to my ears.

A girl with pink hair overheard our conversation, butting in on it. "Kyaaa!" Mitsuri quietly squealed, "Giyu has a crush! Tell me who!" I keep looking at the ground when I hear Sabito say,

"You see the guy with all the scars?" Mitsuri nods and looks at the man. " That's the guy." I look back up at the two and Mitsuri is ecstatic.

"Kya! Giyu, you have some taste don't you," she says, trying not to be so loud. Mitsuri was gonna say something else but Makomo interrupted her.

"Mitsuri, lets get these to their tables," Makomo says sternly, handing her a trey.

"Fine," she said, "but you're telling me more later Giyu." I nod and they walk to their tables

"Are you sure you're ok to date after..you know..him." I froze in place, the blush on my face fading away as one of the abusive memories came back to me.


"YOU USELESS PEICE OF SHIT," my lover scolded, throwing an empty beer bottle that nearly hit me.

"I-I'm sorry" I pleaded, "please I-I didn't mean to-" my husband threw another empty beer bottle at me, but this time it hit. I held my head, dizzy from the impact. I brought my hand down from my head and blood dirtied it, making me cry.



I move my hand to touch the scar that was caused by my abusive ex, making me shudder. "Sorry," Sabito apologizes, "I shouldn't have brought it up." I feel my eyes water and Sabito have to had notice. "Hey, Sanemi isn't anything like that," he reassured, "you don't have to worry."

Sabito sits his hand on my shoulder and I wipe my teary eyes, looking up at Sabito. "Thanks Sabi," I say, and I give him a hug.

🦊Sabito's POV🦊

Giyu gives me a hug, and I hug him back, but I can feel eyes on me. I look around to see if anyone's staring, and I see Sanemi glaring at me. An idea came to mind, and smirk at him. I move my hands down to Giyu's waist, wrapping them around it. Sanemi's face goes dark and I smirk even wider, letting go of the raven.

✧Anything✧-------A SaneGiyu storyWhere stories live. Discover now