katherine's transformation (!warning emotional!)

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 Katherine had in fact gone skinny dipping with a group of girls. They were Katherine's old friends. When Katherine was new to her school, she snuck her phone into school. (pretend she has a phone)

She spent recess hiding in the bathroom because she had explosive diarrhea, but Katherine has always liked watching all types of furry videos while shitting. She would think of herself as a wolf when she would shit. The weekend after her first week of school, she and her family went camping near a wolf cave. Katherine snuck out of her cottage and went to go shit inside the wolf cave, hoping she would get her ass bitten by one of the wolves and turn into the princess alpha baddie demon uwu wolf. Her ass did in fact get bitten but after limping all the way back to her cottage, she had noticed some gray hairs growing on her ass. Katherine thought she was turning into the princess alpha baddie demon uwu wolf. She ran back outside the cottage on all fours. Katherine had spotted a tall rock, pointing to the full moon. She got in a position and started to howl. Then she spotted the wolf who bit her ass while she was letting out her explosive diarrhea in their cave. Katherine felt her ass hairs tingle as the wolf sat next to her and howled at the full moon. She then went back to her cottage, on all fours ofc.. Katherine thought it was a better idea to become a human and a wolf at the same time, so that was her final decision to become a furry. Katherine twisted off her gray ass hairs with a fork she found in the kitchen drawer. It hurt but she gave up her wish of becoming the princess alpha baddie demon uwu wolf.

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