✭ chapter 6 ✭

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It's been 2 weeks, the past week has been really eventful I got my stitches out since my wound has completely healed and Milo went back to Hamburg.

It's now the day before we leave to America, I was super excited since I've never been there.

"y/n do you have everything in your suitcase?" Gustav said coming up to my room " yea everything is ready now" I said smiling at Gustav as he took my luggage " Gustav do you know where Tom is at?" I said looking up at him " oh he's getting ready for dinner, I forgot to yell you but we are going to dinner so get ready" he said taking the luggage out as I closed the door and went into the shower.

I got out of the shower and got ready I did light makeup and I let my hair down. I went downstairs and the boys were waiting for me " wow y/n you look beautiful" Tom said making me blush " thanks tomato, now let's go before it gets to late" I said linking toms arm with mine as we all walked into the car.

< your dinner outfit ( you don't need to go with it btw) >

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< your dinner outfit ( you don't need to go with it btw) >

I got into the car sitting next to Tom lying my head on his shoulder, he moved a strand of my hair out of my face kissing my forehead.

The whole car ride we were all talking about America and how exciting it will be " thanks for helping me with my english tomato and billy" I said looking at them with a smile as they both chuckle.

I'm a fast learn when it comes to languages, but due to me not attending my English classes because of my full schedule I wasn't able to learn English.

Once we got to the place we headed inside, I sat next to Georg and Gustav while the twins sat next to each other. " when we get home we will put our suitcases in the trunk of the car so when we wake up we just get ready and leave for the airport" Georg said as we started ordering our food.

" so handsome what do you want to eat?" the waitress said winking at Tom making me a bit jealous, I crossed my legs and started a conversation with Gustav about our hobbies. " your so talented I never knew you could play the guitar y/n" Gustav said shocked I smiled at him laughing quietly.

Me and Gustav continued to talk while Tom watched us in jealousy, once the food arrived we all started eating and started talking about random stuff.

" y/n when are you Gonna start filming that movie Spider-Man 3?" Georg said taking a spoonful of his food " I don't know sometime in may I believe" I said smiling at him and then continuing to eat my food.

Once we finished Georg went to the front desk and payed the check as we all went inside the car. I crossed my legs and stared outside the window.

Georg got inside the car and and started the engine, he then started driving away. After 10 minutes he stopped at a gas station " y'all want anything from here?" he said, we all shook our heads and he closed the door and walked inside the gas station.

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