✮ chapter 14 ✮

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These past couple of months I've been hanging out with Ivan and Ian, I decided to contact them and turns out the lived near me so we hang out basically every single day.

June 29, 2011 | 1:56pm |

I woke up and rolled to my side fluttering my eyes open before checking the time, I gasped at seeing the time and immediately got up.

I got ready and made my way downstairs " SYLVIA WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed and saw Sylvia at her small table eating a fruit bowl. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that she was okay " I'm here mommy is there anything wrong?" she said looking up worried a little, I smiled at her " no sweetie nothing is wrong don't worry about it okay? im going to clean the house, later on your going to your Mimi's house" I responded before going to the storage closet for the cleaning supplies.

| 7:43pm |

I just dropped of Sylvia with mom and dad so I started making my way back to my house since Ivan was going to pick me up to go to a fancy restaurant.

Once I got home I instantly got into the shower and started shaving since I don't like to be hairy. After I finished shaving I started washing my hair and scrubbing my body.

I got out of the shower and started to put on my outfit before getting my makeup and hair ready.

Damn I look good in the dress it really outlines my curves and everything.

I touched up my make up a bit before I heard a honk, I started making my way out the door Ivan quickly got out of his car and helped me into the car " why thank you" I said giggling getting into the car before he ran to the other side and got into...

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I touched up my make up a bit before I heard a honk, I started making my way out the door Ivan quickly got out of his car and helped me into the car " why thank you" I said giggling getting into the car before he ran to the other side and got into the car.

Ivan turned on the engine and started driving away, he was wearing a black suit with some dress pants and black dress shoes. I could smell his strong sent of cologne " so are you excited?" he said looking at me and then back at the road.

" yea I'm so excited this is my first time out without Sylvia I mean I loved her but it would be nice having some free time" I said giggling a little bit before he started laughing.

Through out the car ride me and Ivan talked about things we've been doing this past week. He's really kind and honest.

Ivan is an owner of a very successful business, he's always busy at work but when it comes to me he cancels his plans for some reason.

Once we got to the restaurant he told me to stay out in my seat, he ran to my side and opened the door taking his hand out for me to take I took his hand and he helped me get up and walked me inside the restaurant.

" I have a table reservation under Ivan Garcia" he said as the waiter got out from behind " follow me Mr and Mrs. Garcia" she said walking towards an elevator, Ivan grabbed my hand and we followed her behind.  we got to the top floor and she led us to a table.

The view was beautiful, I looked at Ivan and he gave me a smile I sat down in a chair and Ivan sat across from me as the waiter stood there with a notebook and pen " what can I get you guys to drink?" She said smiling at us " water please" I respo...

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The view was beautiful, I looked at Ivan and he gave me a smile I sat down in a chair and Ivan sat across from me as the waiter stood there with a notebook and pen " what can I get you guys to drink?" She said smiling at us " water please" I responded as Ivan said the same thing as I did.

Once she left I looked over at ivan and caught him staring at me making me blush " y/n your really beautiful your laugh, smile, voice is so beautiful everything about you is so perfect." he said blushing making me smile in awe.

"y/n I want to ask you something important" he said nodded and smiled " the moment I laid my eyes on you I felt an instant connection, I knew you were the one when my brother and you got along. All I want is a girl to accept me for who I am and not care about my money and accept my brother he means the world to me seeing that you and him get along really well makes me want you even more." he said as I stay there speechless as he continued to speak.

" y/n will you be my girlfriend?" he said smiling at me waiting for my respond, i felt a tear form in my eye " yes of course! I love you so much" I said as we both stood up and leaned in for a kiss.

He took out a ring and I let out my hand as he put it on my ring finger looking up at me. I looked down and saw a glittery crystal " is this a?.." I said softly " diamond? yes only for my beautiful girl" he responded kissing my lips.

The rest of our date when amazing, once I got back home I asked him if he wanted to stay over and he nodded and went to go park his car while I went up to my room and changed into my pijamas.

He came in my room and hugged me from behind I turned around and kissed him " there is some clothes for you in my closet" I said as he nodded and went into my closet grabbing some clothes

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He came in my room and hugged me from behind I turned around and kissed him " there is some clothes for you in my closet" I said as he nodded and went into my closet grabbing some clothes.

This is the happiest I've been in months, Ivan has always treated me like a princess. Ivan came out of the bathroom with some over sized shorts with no shirt on making me blush at seeing his muscles and abs, I quickly turned around shoving my face at the pillow he chuckled and lied down next to me.

I turned around to look at him and he smiled, we both cuddled each other to sleep.

After a few minutes Ivan and I fell asleep when we heard the doorbell ring, I groaned and got up " where are you going love?" He said I smiled at him and said " someone's at the door I'll be right back" as I walked out the door.

I walked down stairs and the person started ringing the door like crazy I got angry and walked up to the door and opened it once I saw who it was I stood there in absolute shock.


Who knocked on the door?..

Words 1.1k

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