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Third Person POV

It appeared to be a normal day, waking up after spending the whole night playing Zelda the player goes with his morning routine, first, he takes a bath noticing his hair was too long and it was time for cutting it, then, after taking a bath, he goes to brush their teeth, but once he looks at himself in the mirror shock is the only thing he feels, followed by a scream.

"AAAAAAAAAH" He screams once he sees his reflection.

Long blond hair, blue eyes, pointy ears, just like the game, only now, it was reality.

Not only did he look exactly like Link, but even his scream was identical. Once the shock passes he takes a better look at himself. There was no doubt, somehow he became Link, his favorite video game character. Looking around he also realizes his house was completely different, what once was a modern-looking place now felt like it belongs to a fantasy world.

'How did this happen?' The player, now Link, asks himself. 'I was playing Tears of the Kingdom and fall asleep on my couch and woke up in here, whatever here is'.

For a moment Link wonders if he was transported into the game, it might've sounded stupid to some, but he believed in the multiverse theory and wormholes, so it wouldn't surprise him if his TV was actually a wormhole that brought him to the universe it was currently transmitting.

To test his theory Link tries to open his inventory, but instead of a window open in front of him his hand just disappears in thin air, bringing with it the classic Hylian Shield. Mesmerizing the blue shield for a few seconds Link reverses his action and puts it back in his inventory.

Link wonders for a moment about how to proceed, if he is in Hyrule the best option is to go find Zelda, whether he is in a time of peace or in a time of war she is the best option if he wants to be safe if Hyrule really became a reality.

Link goes out of his house and realizes it is in the middle of a giant forest, making him wonder if this is really Hyrule since he doesn't remember the adventurer ever living in the middle of a forest in any of the games. Not willing to take any risks Link opens his inventory and grabs his classic green tunic and hat, and when he does, another surprise, instead of the TOTK green tunic or any of the Amiibos' ones he had, he instead had the Hyrule Warriors' outfit, this was really strange for him.

Link had collected and upgraded to the max all his TOTK items, the weight of being a completionist, and he was sure the Hyrule Warriors' outfit wasn't in the game. For curiosity's sake, Link reaches his inventory one more time, in an attempt to take another item he was sure wasn't present in TOTK, to his surprise he finds it, and out of his inventory, the golden gauntlets come out.

'This doesn't make sense, unless... I'm not in any Zelda game'. He thought.

After finishing dressing, Link adjusts his blue scarf and takes a look around the sight of the forest one last time. He takes his Sheikah Slate that was wrapped around his belt and looks with curiosity at the map inside, he doesn't know how to explain, but his map fulfills itself, it doesn't show much, and by his calculations, only 10 meters ahead of him in every direction were filled, making him wonder if the map will fill itself only if he is being used or even if Link has it on his inventory.

'So many possibilities." Link thinks.

Undecided about which direction to pick Link decides to follow the wind, when he left the house he saw it had a small stable in the backyard, Link doesn't want to be too hopeful but he was willing to try, taking his blue ocarina from the inventory he starts playing the familiar song, Link watches his surroundings waiting for movement and smiles once he hears the sound of hooves hitting the ground, looking at the source he sees the loyal mare that accompanied the hero in many adventures and smiles.

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