Dear Dairy

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Hello mr. Dairy!! My name is Misha calder. I am 19 years old and today i am going to share a Crazy/scary experience of my life with you. It's about the time when i thought i lost everything i had and the time i got everything back!!! After that crazy adventure my life changed somehow and now i realised how wonderful everything around me is... I may lost something very important but i gained something more precious than that...

I was born in a normal high class family and was forced to behave properly and in extreme graceful manner... But i was quite a violent kid from my very own attitude! I never liked it when people use to order me. My hobbies involved fighting, fishing and ofcourse writing, i was being specifically trained the use of daggers for four years as the matter of fact that i was deeply found of daggers and swords. Lately as i grew up i decided to choose my own path of living and luckily my family agreed. I left my house when i was 17 and on my journey of freedom i met two crazy girls!!! One of them was a crazy nerd and an intelligent lady and to mention a very well behaved person... Her name was Elsa Blaze, and the other one was completely like me, i mean to say in nature. She was voilent, listening to no one type., and not forgetting *the know it all* fella. Her name was Stella Rose!!!She was nothing like rose though XD
I still remember the day when we three were celebrating our one year friendship anniversary and something we never expected happened!! Something that made our hearts explode and our journey to a new adventure started!!!!

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