𝟎𝟎𝟖 | 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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:: Y/N'S POV .

I WOKE UP WITH a banging headache.

"ugh, how much did i have to drink yesterday night .." i groan, rubbing my hand against my forehead as if it was gonna help.

"look who woke up! here, take some tylenol." bailey places the tylenol on my nightstand, along with a glass of water.

"you didn't have to stay the night, you know, but thanks." i manage to make out the words without a pain striking in my head. i then take the pill, chugging it down with water.

"of course i did, be serious." bailey said with a laugh.

i shake my head side to side. "hey i gotta question."

"shoot." bailey says.

"did i really ... hang out with britain the whole night?" i held my head low, embarrassed to be asking bailey this question.

she chuckles softly, "yes, yes you did, but you guys actually got along! no fighting or arguing at all! i think there was some flirting in there as-well ..." bailey spoke, teasing me at the end of her sentence.

i raise my eyebrow at her. "pause, you said there was flirting? with britain? no wa-"

all the memories from last night suddenly flooded my mind, and i finally realized what she was talking about.

i immediately blush, becoming all flustered with a hint of embarrassment. my hands crept over my face, covering me.

"oh my god oh my god, oh my god!" i could not mutter any words beside 'oh my god'.

bailey was just giggling like crazy over my reaction.

my phone then goes off, getting a call from my agency. i cringe one last time before i pick it up.

"hello?" i say slightly nervous at whatever my agent was about to say.

"so, i see you met our beloved friend britain." the agent says bluntly and straight up, not sparing me any time to even tell them my selves.

"yea, yea i did, but .. how did you find out?"

"you might wanna check your social media
if you're curious."

i look up at bailey, who exchanged me a confused look and a shrug. opening up my phone to instagram, i saw my most recent post of britain.


"oh god."

the agent speaks up again, y/n forgetting they were on the other side of the line.

"oh god is right."

"i'm so sorry, i knew i should've at
least told one of you guys down at the agency."

"don't apologize for boosting your image! you know, you hanging out with your biggest rival definitely gained us some popularity points. you two are the most trending thing going on right now!"

y/n gasps, her eyes widening "sorry, what?"

"this little hangout or whatever it was has gained so much more attention, more or else that the spotlight is on you, since you made the post that confirmed you two were together."

"wait, so you're telling me we're back on stage with this whole hang out thing?"

"yes. i didn't want to tell you about this at first but, we were starting to slowly lose your popularity and attention. your career was kind of going downhill as people had started to pick out at flaws they saw with you."

"but you're now telling me that this basically saved my career?"

"yeah. basically."

"so now what, i just keep hanging out with him to keep myself relevant?"

"if you could that would be great."

"you're asking me to use him,
you know that right?"

"listen, he needs you as much as you do.
which is why we want to purpose an
idea to the two of you, but
we need to see you and him
in person for this."

the agent sighs before asking y/n something.

"is there any way you can contact britain and tell him to meet you here? at one o'clock?"

y/n scratches the back of her head slightly before answering, "i think so. i'll try."

"great, let us know and then we'll handle the rest from there. take care y/n."

"yeah, bye."


the agent hangs up, letting y/n have time for all these thoughts to rush through her mind.

her career was going downhill? britain saved her? britain flirted with her? what idea are they gonna purpose? what happened last night?

all these questions that were about to be answered in less than a few hours.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄, britain daltonWhere stories live. Discover now