Miguel o'hara x Fem Reader

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Miguel walks into y/n's room

"dude what are you doing h-"

Miguel shushes you before you finish your sentence

"Quiet, im being followed"

"Oh- ok"

"You still got the suit?"

"Yah, here" you hand him the new suit you were making

"Y/n.... what the fuck is this..."

"A suit?"

"Dont look like one to me"

"Yeah, well it is one so deal with it"

"Fine whatever..."

Miguel puts on the suit while your facing a wall

"You done yet?"

Miguel walks out of your room and beats up a few people who were waiting outside

You start clapping and wheezing on the look of their faces

"Dude this is wayy too funny"
You start recording

"Y/n mind helping?"

"Nahh im good"

"Come on you idiot, help me already"

"Finee" you place your camera on the side, still recording

You start webbing them up for miguel to finish



You pick up your camera and show the people you guys webbed up

"Heyy guyss, its Y/n, the best spiderwoman here. So as you can see i may or may not have webbed these people" you grab a smelly sock and start slapping it on their faces

"Allright Y/n cut your video thingy now"

"Ok boomer whatever"


"Miguel, look under there"

"Under where?"

"Haha made you say unde-"


legend says Y/n is still fighting for her life....☹😔

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