Chapter - 6

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It's been two to three days since Porsche is staying at Kinn's house . Kinn everyday thing today might be the day Porsche would tell him everything about his past and why don't he not want to return home . But alas nothing happened . Kinn is getting fed up with leaving with someone else .

But something in Porsche's eyes stirred Kinn's heart and he wasn't able to directly tell Porsche to return home . And further Kinn's mother also strictly told him to look after that boy .

So here it was like this Porsche is staying in the room opposite Kinn's bedroom . Kinn shared Apo's clothes with Porsche to wear .

Like everyday Kinn was doing his designs in his office studio , when his assistant Type came to him with a notepad … " Sir , you have a client meeting at the Royal Hotel tonight . "

" When ? " … Kinn asked while drawing his designs for another client .

" At 8 pm . "

" Okay, you can leave now . "

" Sir , I want to say something . "

" What, Type ? " … Asked Kinn while taking a sip of his wine .

" What, Type ? " … Asked Kinn while taking a sip of his wine

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" I want a leave for tomorrow . Please, Sir . "

" Why what happened ? Didn't you take leave last week too ? "

Type took a deep breath and said in one go … " SirTomorrowIwanttocelebrate MyOneYearAnniversaryWithTharn . "

On the mention of Tharn , Kinn got quiet and granted leave to Type . Kinn knew if he didn't approve the leave Tharn would again be dramatic and disturb him with constant calls and texts . Type smiled and went from there .

At night Kinn drove to the hotel and had a meeting with a client . While coming back , he was waiting at the traffic signal , when he saw another car stopped beside him . He saw someone open the window and that person was Apo .

Kinn looked at Apo and their eyes met but Apo quickly looked the other way and was going to close the window , when Mile pulled Apo for a kiss . Kinn's got heartbroken to see this infront of his eyes .

He pulled out an alcohol bottle from his car 's floor and started to chug like there's no tomorrow . Traffic light turned green and he sped up from there .

Within an hour Kinn reached his house and somehow managed to park his car in front of the main door and directly went inside his house .

Kinn brought all the alcohol bottles from the refrigerator , sat on the floor beside the sofa and started to drink one after one and started screaming and crying remembering his moments with Apo .

Like every night , Porsche was waiting in his room to eat dinner with Kinn . Even though Kinn already told him to have dinner without him, Porsche being Porsche always waits for Kinn even though Kinn gets irritated by it . Chef already left the house after cooking and keeping the foods covered on the dinner table .

At the living room , Kinn was crying and blabbering about his sweet moments with Apo . Then he remembered the words of Apo before their breakup and was shouting hurtful words about himself .

" Apo … why can't you love me ? Am I so bad ? …

… Maybe I was so bad but I had really loved you , Apo……. "

On hearing shouting and screaming from outside , Porsche came out from his room and started to walk towards the living room . After living together in Kinn's house for a few days , Porsche had already memorized his way around the house .

He reached near the sofa and a strong smell of alcohol entered his nostrils . He quickly covered his nose and gaining confidence he slowly started to walk towards Kinn in the direction of his voice .

On seeing Porsche , tipsy Kinn mistook him as Apo first . As he was wearing Apo 's clothes . Then their eyes met and Kinn recognised Porsche .

Porsche felt sorry for Kinn 's condition … " Mr . Kinn , what happened ? … Can you stop drinking , please . You are hurting yourself …

… I can't let anything bad happen to my savior . "

Kinn was already drunk and on hearing Porsche 's words , he misunderstood him . He thought Porsche was being mean to him . Kinn threw the alcohol bottle on the floor . It broke down into infinite pieces . Porsche shivered in fear .

Kinn stood up and forcefully pulled Porsche onto the sofa . He held Porsche 's chin with his index , middle finger and thumb almost leaving an imprint on Porsche 's face … " You are having fun , right ? …

… What do you even know about love ? "

Kinn angrily looked at Porsche , Porsche was struggling , his breath was getting heavier .

" First , you intrude into my car , then my house and now you are trying to intrude into my life ? …

… How dare you ? "

" I'm not intruding , Mr . Kinn … I am just wishing well for my savior . " … Porsche shouted with all his might .

" How could you live with someone like me ? No one likes me ! "

" But … I… I believe you , Mr . Kinn . " … Porsche somehow managed to say .

" Believe ? " … Kinn chuckled… " You don 't even know me yet … Don't go around using the " believe " word randomly ! "

What if I force you to sleep with me ? What would you do then ? " … Kinn shouted .

" But you didn't ! " … Porsche smiled in pain . Kinn got angry and pushed him on the floor , Porsche fell on the bottle pieces and got injured .

Porsche screamed and passed out in fear as all the dark memories of Vegas came into his mind by the way Kinn was behaving with him .

The scream of Porsche was so bone chilling , Kinn felt a cold shower run over him and he suddenly came back to his senses . He wobbly walked to Porsche and held him in his arms .

Porsche fell and arms were full of scratches , blood was dripping from there . He was drenched in sweat . Kinn started to feel guilty . He couldn't believe that he could do something like this . He thought Apo might be right; he was not suitable to be with someone .


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