Chapter 1|| The Jeons

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"Can you pass the salt?" Jeongguk asks the woman sitting on the other side of the table breaking the silence of cutlery scraping against the plates

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"Can you pass the salt?" Jeongguk asks the woman sitting on the other side of the table breaking the silence of cutlery scraping against the plates.

The sound of movement being halted as the woman looks up from her plate to look at her husband before setting down her knife and fork,reaching infront of her to pass him the salt.

"Thank you," He tells her grinding the salt into his steak before placing the grinder down.

"Not enough salt Jeongguk?" Ayeong questions the male cutting through her meat."I'll try not to do that next time."

"The food is a delicious as always Ayeong," Jeongguk replies not meeting her eyes."You know that.Oh and I just wanted to remind you about guys night."

"What time will you be home?" The girl questions."I leave for my trip at four."

"I'll be back before midnight," The ravenette looks at his watch."It'll give me enough time to take you to the airport."

"You don't have too," She says carrying her empty plate to the sink."I can have Hana pick me up,spend some more time with your friends."

"Are you sure," He repeats it to make sure."You know I don't mind."

"Yes," Ayeong shakes her head."I'm heading to bed.Goodnight."

Closing the door to her bedroom she plugs her phone dropping it on her nightstand before laying down.

"Pathetic," She mumbles to herself curling into the warmth of her blanket."I'm pathetic."

Jeongguk and her have been married for five years and yet despite that each had their own rooms.It wasn't that she didn't want to but Jeongguk had pulled out a contract before they agreed to that marriage marking his boundaries.

Each had their own banking account and a shared one for their household essentials.Each had their own room in the magnificent apartment complex and if she was being honest they were more roommates than a married couple.Jeongguk worked as a personal trainer in a gym he personally opened and Ayeong was one of many in a family of lawyers and doctors.The reason that she was there was because well to put it simply she was in love with Jeongguk since the moment she laid eyes on him.

Though after five years of living like this,she was honestly beginning to rethink her decision.Maybe she was selfish for keeping him during his peak years.She was now twenty seven while he was twenty three.He was still young.Sighing she let her heavy eyelids close sleeping now so she wouldn't have to on the plane.

"Jeongguk," Hoseok greets as he pulls the maknae into Yoongi's condo."Hurry we were just about to start without you."

The youngest smiles before waving to his hyungs before nudging his way between Taehyung and Hoseok.Namjoon offers him a beer which he takes a swing of before setting it on the table.

Out of all the people in the friend group Jeongguk was the only married one while Hoseok and Jimin had stable relationships with their girlfriends, Namjoon and Seokjin have been together for nearly a decade,Taehyung and Yoongi were just living life.

"Was your wife keeping you?" Seokjin asks snarkily earning a gentle swat from his boyfriend.

It wasn't that he disliked you infact no one in the friend group have any problem with you but they can't help but think that Jeongguk would be happier with his ex girlfriend,the one he broke up with to marry you.Though only Jimin,Taehyung and he shared the same thought.

"No,Ayeong is heading to the wedding I told you about," The youngest replies."I just wanted to set some stuff for her before her flight.I offered to leave early to take her to the airport but she's going with Hana and insisted I spend time with you guys."

"Look at our maknae being a good husband," Hoseok smiles patting his back.

"Of course I raised him," Namjoon shrugs earning a wave of rolled eyes.

"You wish," Yoongi scoffs.

Min Yoongi practically watched the boy grow from when he first became his neighbor at the ripe age of fourteen.The younger one would look at his hyung with his wide bambi eyes as he followed his guidance from a young age.

"Hey,this is boys night," Taehyung whines."Let's not talk about this."

With everyone agreeing to change the topic they switched from the football game that just ended to call of duty.

"And I died," Taehyung says passing the control over to Hoseok."Avenge me hyung."

Taehyung got up making his way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of soju before hearing hushed whispers as he neared.

"So tell me exactly when she's arriving," Namjoon says leaning against the island with crossed arms.

"In two days," Jeongguk answers.

"And does Ayeong know about it," He sighs.

"I haven't had an opportunity to tell her," Jeongguk replies."but this isn't something I plan to keep from her."

"I hope not," Namjoon presses."Your wife is an understanding and reassuring person Jeongguk and I'd hate for you two to fight because of a misunderstanding.Marriage is a two person thing."

"Believe me I know hyung," Jeongguk's head drops slightly."I'll let her know what she thinks when I get home."

"Aniyo I didn't mean to scold you kook," Namjoon assures.

"It's fine hyung," Jeongguk chuckles."You mean well."

"Move losers," Taehyung takes the opening to make his presence known."We're out of beer."

1:45 am.

"Wake up bitch," Hana says scooting close to her best friend."We're going to be late for our flight."

"Hold your titties," Ayeong groans sitting up."Give me a couple minutes for a quick shower."

"Alright," Hana nods."I'll be in the kitchen looking for snacks so don't mind me."

"I feel so honored that I have my own snack cabinet in your house," Hana grins on her second bag of mini Oreos.

Trudging towards the counter with grey sweatpants and a black v neck Ayeong reaches for a plastic covered plate.

Eat before your flight.I know you hate airplane food.

He had set aside pork belly with rice and a small side of ramen.One of his favorites.

"You don't have to eat it," Hana says looking at Ayeong's expression."We can pick up something on the way there."

"I'll just have the ramen," The woman waves off.
"It won't be a long flight."

"Speaking of which," Hana looks at the clock on the wall."We should probably get going."

With a packed suitcase,the girls head downstairs to catch a cab to the airport.

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