Chapter 2 Let the game begin

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Third person pov

It's been one week since Hayato has learned about the Death note and the existence of Shinigami, let alone him getting his own. With temporary ownership since the Shinigami he encountered, Arma... Not only that a bunch of criminals have died this whole week, Hayato has been recovering at home since he learned the power of the Death note. Hinata was relieved that her older brother was ok and recovering well, so did his parents.

But they weren't the only ones, Tomoyo heard about what happened to Hayato and once she heard what happened from Hinata, the same day that he met Arma. Tomoyo went to his house to see if he was ok, Hayato told her what happened, but he didn't include him seeing Light, the Death note, and Shinigamis obviously... She was relieved that he was ok... Now it is December 4th, Arata is now sleeping peacefully in his room. Until someone enters his room and it was none other than Tomoyo, originally she couldn't go there home like she used to, since she had student counsel business.

But lucky she had the time today to go check on him and see him to walk him up. She goes up to his bed and shakes him slightly to wake him up.

Tomoyo: Come on now Hayato.

He grunts in annoyance, that he knew that only one person besides his mom and sister would wake him up from bed.

Hayato: Five more minutes.

Tomoyo: As always, you use the saying whenever you feel like not going to school.

Hayato: How did you even manage to get the time to stop by?

Tomoyo: Oh I have my ways, and besides.

Hayato turns and faces her while he is still laying in bed, he sees her face with a worried look.

Tomoyo: You really worried me about what happened to you.

Tomoyo managed to get out at the same time as Hinata, usually she would be busy with her student counsel business and was capable of checking on him when he was recovering. Not only that Hayato kept himself busy with doing the homework, Tomoyo got for him. He sits up from bed and pats the top of her head.

Hayato: Sorry that I worried you, I'll make sure that won't happen again.

Tomoyo looks at him with a smile and she nods her head.

Tomoyo: How are you feeling today?

Hayato : Better than before. Good thing I kept myself busy with the homework you got me.

Tomoyo: Well you can't fall behind... I'll go down, while you get yourself ready. We still have time.

Hayato: Gotcha.

She walks towards the door and turns around and looks at Hayato before going down stairs.

Tomoyo: Make sure that you don't fall back to sleep.

Hayato: No promises.

Tomoyo rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself, as she left the room and closed his door. Hayato got up and stretched his body, after stretching he went to grab his uniform but he didn't see his jacket that he was wearing. He goes to his closet to see if he forgot to put it out.

Arma: Looking for this.

He turns around and sees Arma who was holding my jacket. He sighs and he goes up to Arma.

Hayato:Yes and thank you.

He grabs it from her and looks at her.

Hayato: Haven't I told you to be careful, even though I'm the only one that can see you, people can still see you holding objects.

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