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Your P.O.V
A new movie came out.
'Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse'
I'd heard many good reviews of it so I decided to watch it, cause why not? I was a fan of Spider-man movies after all.
Little did I know, right after I would finish the movie- just a few hours later, I would die.


I woke up, not really. I was kind of squished up and I could barely open my eyes. It felt really sticky and slippery wherever I was. It was absolutely disgusting.
'Is this the after life? Definitely not the most pleasant.' I thought.
There was no air here, which is abnormal but also expected of the after life.

Unfortunately, right after I was trying to feel around my surroundings, I felt a force trying to push me out; wherever I was in.
I tried to grab onto something, anything, but of course- as I said earlier, everything was slippery as hell so you can guess what happened.
It took some time and it definitely got squishier, if anyone with claustrophobia was here in my place, they'd definitely pass out.

Soon enough, I was pushed out, and air hit my face. I instantly knew that this wasn't the after life.
My wails came out instinctively, along with the movement of my arms; which were incredibly small by the way.
I now knew I was a baby, and that I was inside a womb just a little earlier. I cringed at the thought. During my crying and cleaning up by the doctors, a question popped up in my head,
'Why do I remember..everything? Even my past life?' it was definitely going to be something keeping me awake for a few days.

So back to what's happening right now, I was handed over to my new mother after I was cleaned and had stopped crying. She held me gently, like I was a porcelain doll, or made of glass; which is probably true since I am a baby. Anyways, she definitely had that motherly touch.
For now, I could only feel the things around me. My eyes were open but I could barely see anything, I hoped the blurriness would go away gradually. My ears picked up a few words like 'baby', 'mother', 'father' and 'payment'; which I slightly winced at. If I was born in the modern world, the price would surely be no joke for a hospital birth. The rest of the words were either inaudible or unintelligible.

My mother then placed her one finger on my tiny palms and shook it around.
"Welcome to our world, welcome to Mumbattan, and welcome to your never-ending love and affection, my dear (y/n)", my mother said.
My tiny baby eyes were as big as they could be now, after I heard the word 'Mumbattan'; and my name.

'Oh c'mon, this can't be just a coincidence can it? Right before my de-, previous life's death I was literally watching the fucking movie and now I end up in Mumbattan?
Wow, fate definitely loves playing with me.', I thought.
I need to prepare myself for everything that's gonna happen now, especially destruction. We love destruction, yay.

And right as I was finishing the little monologue in my head, suddenly the hospital building blew up.
'I guess my bad luck won't leave me even in another life.', I thought as I was very much flying in the air, definitely about to fall. I'm so gonna die. 'Well, it was a quick life. Oh look, my parents died, how fun.'
I looked over to my right; as I was flying and falling due to gravity. Would've been nice if 0 gravity was a thing here.
My mother was lying on the floor under rubble, my father was lying beneath the now broken door. The other hospital staff? I could care less.
Since I didn't have that much of an attachment to my parents yet, I didn't feel anything. Although I did feel bad that they died right after seeing me born, and that I'll never get to experience the love of my new parents. I remember my mother saying something about never-ending love and affection, I don't think that's gonna happen mom.. But I am also going to die anyway so...
Good for me..?

Unfortunately, the thought of my death was cut off as I was caught in someone's arms. I could make out a figure, but not clearly. It definitely wasn't spider-man. Maybe some other hero? Or villain? Oh boy, I hope it's not either. It would suck to get caught up in their shenanigans.

"Shit! I was too late. Hey, take care of this kid for now, I'll go and beat that guy up. You guys stay here and protect the civilians."
Okay so, whoever this guy is; let's call him 'P'. So, P handed me over to his partner, let's call them 'A'. From the way they were holding me, the fingers were slender and that I could make out..breasts with my blurry vision, I could tell it was a female.
As soon as 'P' finished talking, they both looked at me— I think? Well either way, I could feel some sort of sympathetic energy radiating out of the two. Apparently there were also more accomplices behind 'A', so 'A' said something and got them to either move out to a safer place or save people inside the building.
'A' opted to do nothing due to the baby she was holding— me.
There was definitely a lot of action, I could tell they were heroes now because they were saving people.

I figured I would either be sent to the orphanage or these heroes would parent me. They were sure as hell interested after I kept a straight face throughout the whole 'blow-up of a hospital' ordeal.
I can definitely say that this is one heck of a birth day!
...get it?


Hello there! Author there, first book that I'll be publishing. It'll probably flop but eh. I might be publishing on an irregular basis so please deal with it lol.

Thank you for reading this story strangers! Love y'all, stay safe and healthy :)

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