Chapter 1

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He is on line and going to order while his eyes are looking around the vintage-looking cafe. He is Zee Pruk, 30 years old, and he loves coffee so much. That's why he is happy and amazed to know that there is a nice coffee shop in the condo he moved into. He likes the design.. it feels calm and cozy.

When he's done at the counter he walks around the cafe before finding a seat to settle. He is looking outside the cafe, where there is a mini-park and some benches to sit on. The mini-park is in the middle of the condominium; the building has a U-shaped design. I'll definitely go there one of these days, he said in his mind.

Zee's order is served by one of the cafe staff. Thank you he said.

The staff giggles after hearing it.
Staff: You're very welcome sir.. with a big smile on her face. ahhh by the way sir may I ask? 

Zee look at her... sure.

Staff: I am just wandering are you new here sir Zee?

Zee: yes, I got here yesterday... with a questioning look on his face.

Staff: that's why I just saw you here..well enjoy your stay sir and welcome to Nu's Cafe.
here sir.. this is a promo sticker whenever you order, we will put a sticker in every circle on it.. then if the 10 sticker is full, your next order will be free. (just got this idea from my friend.. Shellaaaa ha.ha)

Zee smiled at her while looking at the promo paper handled by him. He is sure that his free order will come soon. Thank you very much..he said to the staff.

After he finished drinking his coffee and eating the cake from the staff, who said it was free since he was a new customer. He is not a fan of sweets but sure it's delicious as for the coffee...this cafe will be one of his favorites starting now. He left the cafe and went back to his unit.

Zee sigh.... looking at his unit with boxes and other stuff that need to be done before he starts his job in the next couple of days. Arranging and cleaning... aaayyyyy......Zee is exhausted. He then went outside the balcony.. to get some air...he opened the sliding door and looked around.. he is on the 7th floor. he looked down on the mini-garden on the middle of the building.. he sat on the bench just to rest a little since he was already tired from cleaning his new house.


NuNew Chawarin is 22 years old.. he is in his last year of college in the culinary course. At his age, he already has his own cafe.. Nu's Cafe...yes...he is lucky to have the location of his cafe in the building where he lives. He built the cafe with his best friend Nat, who gave him encouragement to open a cafe. and they are thankful because when they open the cafe, they get more good feedback from the customers, and some of them want them to expand to another location, but as of this moment NuNew and Nat are not yet prepared for the expansion since they need to finish their schooling first before taking such a big step. They are contended for just 1 cafe as of now.

NuNew is in his unit, preparing for his exam.. he needs to review because these past days he has been busy at the cafe; he just got time today.. he just informs his cafe manager to call him if they need him there. I need some air... ahhhh my head is hurting because of this subjects....hhhaaayyyy he sighs.

He walks to the balcony and breathes some air... he loves the smell of nature in their building because the mini garden in the middle has trees and plants. He stretched his body.. before leaning against the railing.. while looking around.. he saw a man sitting on the bench in front of his balcony. I have a new neighbor..he is looking at the man, but since the other person is sitting, he cannot see his face... so he just ignored the man and bent his head to look down on the mini garden.

Zee saw that the sliding door in front of his unit was suddenly open.. and he saw a man stretching his body...hmmm... so I have a neighbor in front... He's trying to look at his face, and when he does, he freezes.

Why am I seeing a man this beautiful?.. I wanted to see him more clearly... he then stood slowly while looking at his beautiful face.. even the other man is looking down; he saw his beautiful face.. he calms himself once the man is looking at him. shhhiiitt I want to faint.

NuNew is sensing that someone is looking at him... when he raised his head and looked at his front.....there.... he saw a very handsome man... the man that is now standing and looking at him. shhiitt.. is it possible to have a handsome face like him... what should I do? Is it okay to say hi?

Zee is also questioning himself the same... Should I say Hi? since I am new in this unit, should I say hi to him? he saw the other man bend his head down... oooyyy did I feel him awkward?

NuNew is shyyy... Why do I feel shy right now.. he bends his head down because he is sure that his face is red right now.. even he is sure that the man is not seeing it because they are still a few feet away. eeehhh... shhitt maybe I should get inside before he sees me like this. He then went inside this unit and closed the sliding door on his balcony. hhhhmmmm sighs.

Zee now regrets why he didn't say hi to him... while looking at the beautiful man now heading inside his unit. Zee Pruk..... he sigh...
I will greet him when I see him again. he said to himself... and get inside his room.


Hi guys... how are you?  it's been a while ne?
sorry... I just got busy. Well I am trying to have another story and hoping you will enjoy reading. 

Please follow and vote na kha.. 
Thank you very much.


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