Chapter 8

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Sunghoon's Pov~

Today i'm really excited to go to college because after yesterday me and Sunoo got super close so its easy for me to talk to him now.

And also i'm thinking of courting him. He does not like me but i can make him like me back and i'm definitely gonna give my everything to make him mine.

But I cant wait to see him. And also today I have to ask for his number. Though I have his number but still I don't want him to think of me as a creepy stalker. Which I obviously am.

After some time~

I reached the college and saw my friends standing at the gate. I parked the car and went towards them.

"Hey, guys. Good Morning." I greeted them.

"Woah you were sulking yesterday so bad. What's up with the change of mood?" Asked Jay.

"Guess what?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. " I hung out with Sunoo yesterday and we definitely got closer too."

"REALLY?" all of them asked being shocked.

"Yup." I proudly stated. "Now I have to go to my class. Can't wait to see my baby." I said feeling all giddy.

Third person's pov~

After the conversation with his friends Sunghoon ran to his classroom.

He entered the class but was greeted by a bitter scene. There Sunoo and Niki were laughing together. It seemed like they were enjoying each  other's company very much. And Sunghoon noticed how Niki looked at Sunoo with adoration in his eyes.

Seeing them like this his all excitement vanished. He quietly went to his seat to sit there. There was still some time before the class starts so Sunghoon just lowered his head on the table.

"Hey, Are you ok Sunghoon?"

Sunghoon recognized the voice and immediately looked at the direction the voice came from.

Sunoo was standing there with a worried expression.

"Sunghoon?" He again asked tilting his head a little.

"Oh yes, i'm fine." Sunghoon said smiling a bit.

Sunoo also smiled at him, "I asked because I saw you looking distressed."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine."

"By the way, Sunoo I was wondering if we could hang out again sometime?" Sunghoon asked with the little courage he had.

"Oh yeah sure. I would love that. When?" Sunoo replied, excited.

"Whenever you are free." Sunghoon replied, happy that Sunoo again wants to go out with him.

"Also, Sunoo can I get your number?" Sunghoon asked nervously.

After a moment of silence Sunoo smiled, "sure, Here you go."


Author's note: I know this is a short chapter and also i'm late to update. But I cant think of what to write. But I promise there will more update in the future.

Anyway I hope you're enjoying the story. Please vote and comment.

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