Chapter 5: Kelp (Help)

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🌿Kelp (Help)🌿


"Who was that?" Sage kept asking me for the past few minutes, and I kept ignoring him.

We were walking back to each other's class since the orientation has ended. It left me dumbfounded to hear that I'll be training with Anger.

I had my glasses that time so it was crystal clear—he was crystal clear. I first saw his eyes the moment he entered. The firm eye contact grew onto me with seeds that I could not spade off—as if it doesn't allow my eyes to be keen on anything else.

I managed to escape his sight because of my flowing leftover irritation for him.

I promised myself that I'll never meet him but it just happened and I don't know what to do.

Every time he appears, something unexpected happens. He reeks of capricious events which I...could handle—yes!

I noticed Sage walked lesser steps from me. A couple of minutes later, he was behind me. After a couple more minutes, he was nowhere.

I realized that I ignored Sage too much.

Arriving at home, the first thing that greeted me is the smell of the food my dad made. Following that, a text from Sage,"

[ "Sorry I left suddenly, something happened in my org." ]

I hope that's true; I hope he was not sulking. He could've said bye at least. He does that every time.

Putting that aside, I started to eat.

The day after is another usual day at school, but seemed slightly different. Sage was with me all day again, however, he rarely spoke. He didn't even bother telling me about Denshi and Zozi—a bit off I'll say. 

I was walking alone down a hallway, hoping a door won't open, or hopefully, no one would bother me. Nonetheless, 'someone bothering me' wasn't really one of my thoughts.

I cease to walk any further, in an instant, felt something was on the way. I realized I'm a meter closer to a door. I'm sensing it's going to gape wide and hit me.

I've been standing on my spot for a minute but nothing seemed to happen as I expect. One more minute, and I'll decide to continue walking like nothing happened. I positioned myself where I couldn't be harmed anymore.

When I'm just in front of the door, it gaped slowly and revealed a person taller than any of my personalities.

Surprisingly, "Oh. Hi, none-of-your-business," he smiled. I couldn't comprehend if he was being sarcastic or not. "Nice to meet you again for the third time."

"What part of meeting you is nice?" I rebutted.

"The part when I'll know your name." His voice softened every syllable. 

"Oh, wait!" He went inside the room, taking a moment to bring out something. "Here's your doppio again since you didn't drink the one I gave you in the orientation."

Smiling, being bright, and height. Two sentences came out of my mouth, "You could've used the opportunity to ask Ms. Aelyza, so why bother?  And what's with this coffee fundraising?"

He chuckled which made me balk at his every word. I always predicted that his motives were to annoy; this time I was not wrong. 

He frowned while he said, "But I want you to tell me your name."

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