breakage in reality

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It was a Saturday, you were planning to sleep in but your mother woke you up in a rush and dragged you out of bed, you were ushered to look at the TV.
"Mom..? It's so early what do you want"
you said still sleepy from being woken

"N/N (nickname) it's an emergency alarm, we need to watch"
your mother said in a panicky tone
Emergency Lockdown Protocol
This is not a drill, I repeat - this is not a drill.
Gather all your food, water, first aid and other necessities such as batteries.
We do not know how long this lockdown will last but it is issued that everyone lock their doors, windows and any other entrance to your household, board it up or at minimum cover it with anything you may have lying about.
Turning off your wifi is highly recommended for safety.
If your household has a bunker or basement going into hiding there would be your best option.
May our Gods be with us all.
End of Emergency Lockdown Protocol
Your dad who was on the other side of the couch, originally wasn't paying attention but now he's on full alert, whilst on the other hand your mother had a shocked and worried look on her face.

Obviously your 13 year old self wasn't going to believe such nonsense like that right? You could barely last a day without WiFi!

"Oh cmon dad, do we really have to get rid of the wifi?!"

"N/N, this is an actual emergency so we have to. Be some help will ya and go help your mother with boarding up the house"

"Fine fine"

Seeing your house so blocked from the outside world really didn't feel right at all, it felt so eery.
How long was this going to last? You're getting bored of your offline games and starting to miss talking to your friends. Maybe a nap would be nice.
That sure was a long nap. It's 8pm now, it's time to get a glass of water.

You quietly open your bedroom door and walk over to the kitchen, you're quite weary of your surroundings.. it's so quiet it just doesn't feel right at all.

You somehow manage to quietly pour yourself a cup of water, you drink it and put the cup back where it was, out of curiosity you decide to take a peek out of the kitchen window
'how?' you may ask since it's all boarded up
When you were boarding the windows you left just a tiny peep hole to see through.

You take a look and..
'what was that thing running by? no one should be out in this kind of situation..'
You think to yourself

Now weirdly creeped out you make your way to your room and go back to bed.


You wake up to the sounds of screaming from a few blocks outside your house.

Your mother came into your room a few seconds after

"Sweetie, I think it's best we hide.. I'm starting to actually believe there really is something wrong happening. Me and your dad will be in another room, we love you."

"Okay then..? I love you too mom by the way, tell dad I love him too"

"Stay safe please.."

And with that your mother left, you don't really have a hiding spot in your room so you just took a spare blanket and pillow and hid under your bed, pulling some of your bed sheets over the edge to hide yourself more because cmon you're not THAT stupid right?...right??


End of chapter for today because I'm tired, this part is basically what takes place before the actual game begins.
623 words

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