Go Home!

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I was fucking tired of everything at this point. Negan had attacked us and now was going to take our stuff in two weeks.
"Y/N," My dad Daryl knocked on my bedroom door.
"Ye?" I called.
"You ready for the meeting at Ricks?" He asked.
"Oh! Yes!" I stood up off my chair and grabbed my notebook in case I needed to take notes.
I opened the door and was greeted by dad.
"You going out in that?" Daryl looked at what I was wearing.
I looked down to see I was still in my pajamas.
"No," I sighed, "You can go down and meet me there."
"Okay. Just wear something suitable," Daryl started to walk down the stairs.
"Yep," I gave him a thumbs up and walked back into my room.

Once I was changed, I headed to Ricks house.
I walked into the house to see Daryl, Rick, Michonne and Carol stood round the kitchen island.
"Surprise mother fuckers," I smiled.
"Y/N. Perfect timing. Your dad has agreed for you to go on a solo run if you are up to it," Rick told me.
"Totally," I nodded, "I can do that."
"Are you sure? Cause you don't have to if you don't want to," Daryl made sure I knew.
"I can do it dad," I nodded.
"There are conditions though. You keep your walkie talkie on you and if there are any problems you contact us immediately. And you stick to the road and paths we give you so we know where you will be," Michonne pointed at the map as she said that.
I continued to nod in agreement. I was just happy that I was old enough to do something like this and contribute to our community.

The next day, before leaving I made sure I had the supplies and weapons I needed. Then I was ready.
"Now. Stay on track and don't get bit okay?" Daryl told me when he was saying goodbye to me at the gate.
"Okay," I nodded.
Daryl kissed me on the head and I left.
I was finally able to be independent.
As I walked further and further with my map in my hand, I came across a bunch of walkers.
"Well shit," I thought in my head.
I started to back away slowly, hoping they wouldn't turn round. But of course...


I started running but realised I would have to kill them.
I started to stab them in the head until there were only a few left. I ran a bit to create distance, but I tripped on my own feet. A walker fell on my and I was holding it back. I had dropped my knife. I couldn't reach it so I just had to hold the walker away and hole the others don't also want to join for dinner.
All i wanted was to scream for help, but that would attract even more walkers than before
Before I could even think again, the walked was pulled off me.
It was Negan.
He stabbed it in the head and stood up. It looked to be that he had also killed the other two walkers.
"You're welcome," Negan dropped the walker and held out a hand to me.
I ignored it. Instead I rolled over onto my front and pushed myself up. But when I tried to stand, I realised I had sprained my ankle.
"Fuck," I mumbled.
Negan looked fed up so just grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.
I was restricting myself from saying thank you. I'm usually such a nice and polite person, but I had nothing good to say to this arsehole.
"Where's my walkie talkie?" I check my belt.
"Oh! This little thing?" Negan questioned as he held up the devise I was looking for.
"Oh thank god," I reached for it but Negan pulled it back.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked.
"On a run," I furrowed my eyebrows and reached for it again.
"And are you planning on continuing your run?" Negan held it up in the air so I could 100% not reach it.
He was a fucking tall man.
"Yes. Now give it to me!" I looked him directly in the eyes with anger.
Negan lowered his arm and threw me the walkie talkie. I caught it, but then Negan grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him.
He placed a hand on my neck and made me look up at him.
"Now! This is what you are going to do. You are going to go back to your precious little town and say how you were worried about going on because of your little injury," Negan commanded.
I thought about that long and hard as he just stared at me.
"No," I stared at him back.
"Excuse me," Negan seemed shocked, "Do you know who you are talking too?"
"Yes," I pushed his hand off me, "And I don't care. So no. I wont listen to you."
Negan looked like be didn't know what to say. Couldn't blame him. Hes the kind of guy that's never heard a serious no.
"Your going home," Negan commanded.
"Why do you care so much. I'm helping to collect food, for you and your saviors," I pointed out.
"Go!" Negan yelled.
He was blocking my path. I knew that if I didn't go home I would be screwed. Negan would probably pick me up and carry me back but I didn't know why.

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