Chapter 4: Who Are Those Guys ?

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After the group showed Kate around . . .

The group was now inside the crystal caverns. "Alright, that's all there is." Jake said. "Wow! This place is so huge, thanks for showing me around." Kate said. "No problem." Jake said. Panther then heard something down the halls, listening carefully. It sounded like...people talking? "What is that noise?" Panther thought to himself. "Panther? You seem concentrated on something." Jake said. "Oh, I'm just listening to something. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me." Panther replied. The noise then stopped. "What the hell was that?" Panther thought. Then there was a whizz. Sounded like it was rushing across the hall. "Hold on guys, I'm gonna go check something out." Panther said. "Stay here." He added onto his sentence. Panther swung out his claws, ready to attack whatever was going to come out. "Come on, show me yourself." Panther said, growling. A figure then appeared behind him, putting something over Panther's head. Panther then felt something heavy hit him in the head, and blacked out. Panther was knocked out, inside of...a garden like area with rocks, pink flowers, and lots of sleeping bags. This area was right behind the garden with the tree.

"Wait for them to wake up." A voice said to someone. There seemed to be two people, both wearing Laminax hazmat suits, and one wearing a gas mask. "You sure, Seven ?" A voice said. "Yes, I'm sure John." Seven said. Panther then woke up, noticing he was tied to a metal pole with rope. "Good morning." Seven said. Panther then growled at the two. "Why did you do this to me?" Panther asked. "Oh, it talks." Seven said quietly. "Of course I talk." Panther replied. "I need you to tell me why you tied me to a-" Panther said, noticing Seven's clothing. "I see you work for Laminax." Panther added on to his sentence while looking at the Laminax symbol on Seven's clothing. "I got lots of questions..." Panther said. "Go ahead." Seven said while crossing his arms. "Why have you only come here to do this after two whole years since the head researcher died?" Panther asked. "Simple. Our boss told us to." Seven replied. "Who exactly is your boss?" Panther asked. "That's classified information, Panther. Besides, you won't even get to see them anyways." Seven replied. "Wait- how do you..."  Panther said. "Know your name?" Seven replied. "Yeah." Panther said. "Well, just like the protogen, we've been watching your every move." Seven replied. "How were you not seen then with your bright clothing?" Panther asked. "Doesn't matter. We're the ones asking questions here, not you." Seven said. "But you just answered three of my-" Panther was interrupted. "SHUT UP!" Seven yelled.

"I'm not telling you about my boss, and I AM THE ONE ASKING YOU THE QUESTIONS, SO SHUT THE HELL UP!" Seven added onto his sentence. "I have been sent here to bring you to my boss, and do some little experiments." Seven said. "As if that'll ever happen." Panther said quietly. "And you-" Seven was interrupted by Kate walking into the room. "HEY!" Kate said while carrying a metal bat. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Kate said. "Hah. A girl with a bat. You won't even land a hit on me." Seven said. "Sir, you don't know anything about that girl." John said. "Let me talk." Seven said. "So, you seem to be on the gootraxian's side. John, get her." Seven said with a smirk on his face. "Yes sir." John said. John, (The other special response guy) ran into the glass hallway next to the space they were in. "Want to fight, huh?" Kate said. "Yup, my leader's orders." John said. "KILL HER ALREADY!" Seven said. John pulled out a machete, swinging it, but he missed. Kate jumped behind John, hitting him in the arm, swinging his machete into the glass, shattering it. "AGH!" John said. "DO YOU NEED ME TO HELP YOU GOD DAMN IT?" Seven yelled. "This girl is stronger than I thought." John said, picking his machete back up. John and Kate got into a weapon lock, making them both push forward with all their strength. Kate and John then got knocked back from the pure force of the weapon lock. Kate swung the metal bat in John's face, then stood still. "Well, I guess we're an even match then." John said wiping his blood off of his face. "I hit you twice." Kate said while giving him a dirty look. "Hah." John said. John's arm was getting weak from trying to swing at Kate over and over. Kate ran forward, locking weapons again with John, and Kate somehow managed to grab his machete. "Well FUCK! Help me already Seven!" John yelled. "No cuss words." Kate said while hitting Jake with her metal bat in the head, knocking him out. "Go Kate!" Panther said. "Well, you're stronger than I thought." Seven said.

"Time to finish you off." Seven said. "I'd like to see you try." Kate said with a smirk on her face. Seven came lunging forward with a scythe, locking weapons with Kate. "Your metal bat is worse than my scythe." Seven said while barely sweating. "Yeah right." Kate said. They got out of the weapon lock. Seven swung at Kate, flinging her into the glass. "KATE!" Panther yelled. "Your begs for mercy won't save you." Seven said. He held his scythe up, ready to strike Kate on the head. But he felt something on his back. Seven got flung backwards. It was Panther. Panther somehow broke our of the metal rope from the pure anger of the only human Panther knows, getting hurt. Panther grabbed Seven's scythe, flinging it next to Kate. Kate picked the scythe up, standing next to Panther grabbing Seven by the neck. Kate was ready to strike. "You can't kill me..." Seven said while gasping for air. Seven got out of Panther's grip, kicking him in the face, leaving enough time for Seven to get away. John woke up from being unconscious, running with Seven. "Hey, wait up!" John said while running with Seven. "Pussycat." Panther said while wiping goo off of his face. "Yeah." Kate said. "Let's get back to the others." Panther said. "I agree, it's the only thing to do now." Kate said.

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