Enjoyed It

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*Bucky's POV*

Bucky watched as Ciara slept soundly on the door. He wasn't sure how to act when she doesn't remember anything that happened between them. He knew she was going to get her memories back. The only issue was if the killings would change her. Steve looked back and smiled.

"I half expected her to still be awake." Steve admitted. Bucky chuckles and nods.

"I guess she hasn't had a normal rest in weeks, from the bags under eyes and the sluggish movement that are hardly visible. She's good at hiding what she's doing." Bucky stated. Steve smirked at how well he knew her. Steve knew they've been together for about two and half years but it's just oddly funny to him. Ciara jerked foreword as the car skidded to a stop. Ciara put her hand up and stopped her self from hitting the front, her face showing anger.

"Sorry, but we have and issue." Clint apologized. Ciara and Bucky looked between the front seat and saw Hydra. Ivan being the one standing in front of the group. The car parked in front of them with Laura, and the kids stopped almost hitting the agents.

"Out of the vehicles. Your outnumbered and children are present." Ivan commanded. The backseat of the car in front of the Ciara and the others opened. Elijah stepped out with a mad face. Ciara stepped out of the vehicle and ran to Elijah, her mother instincts taking over. She grabbed him and pulled him back. The others got out of the car as well.

Ivan crouched down, eye to eye with Elijah. "I remember you. You've grown a lot over the year she was gone." He then stood, locking eyes with Ciara. "I'm surprised, you trusted them so easily. They abandoned you. You've been gone for a year and they haven't tried looking. Tsk." Ivan said shaking his head. Ciara pulled Elijah behind her and pulled her gun out. "You can't shoot me you tried that before." Ivan stated a small smile.

Ciara pointed her gun at Ivan and placed her finger on the trigger. She tried shooting him but she couldn't, so she threw the gun down. Ciara grunted in annoyance as she felt Elijah's little hands grab her shirt. Ivan chuckled at her behavior before taking a step forward. Ciara took a step back taking Elijah with her. Ivan picked up her gun as Steve and Bucky started moving closer.

"Nope, stay there or I'll shoot them both." Ivan stated, and with that two men stopped.

"Why do you do this?" Elijah spoke is voice quiet. Ivan looked down curiously at the child.

"World domination, revenge, power. That's why." Ivan replied raising the gun and playing with it. Elijah moved his body to be completely behind Ciara's.

Ciara looked back at Bucky her face emotionless. He stared at her the same, they were both unsure what to do. "What do you want?" Bucky called out.

"My property back." Ivan answered simply.

"I don't belong to you." Ciara mumbled out. Ivan smirked.

"What was that?" Ivan asked already knowing the awnser.

Ciara locked eyes with him. "I don't belong to you." Ciara repeated, clenching her fist. She then turned around and throwed Elijah over to Bucky. Elijah landed on Bucky making him toppled over. She then turned back, Ivan now pointing the gun at her. Ciara raised her hand, making a movement that seemed right her. Steve understood what she did and threw the sheild to her hand.

Ciara clasped it in her hand and Dodge the single bullet that came from Ivan's gun. She then threw the shield making it bonce only five Hydra agents then hitting Ivan. Ivan fell to the ground in pain dropping the gun. She grabbed it shooting the agents. A grenade then flew from ones hand and landed at her feet. Ciara had no time to move as it blew up. Ciara flew back a few feet landing on her back. Arrows then came from above her as more agents got taken down.

Ciara laid still a loud ringing filling her ears. Elijah's face then showed over her's as well as Bucky's. "You okay?" Bucky asked. Ciara nodded and sat up the ringing dispersing. And gun shot then rang out. Elijah yelled in pain holding his leg. Ciara looked at the culprit it was Ivan was smiling as if he won. Kids would bleed out quickly as there bodies were smaller than adults.

Ciara looked back at Elijah as Steve ran past her to get Ivan. She grabbed his hand and looked at Bucky who was holding the wound. Ciara then thought back to her time in Hydra. She felt as if she knew about something to help. It then clicked.

"Let me try something." Ciara mumbled. Bucky nodded still holding Elijah's wound. She placed her hands on Elijah's leg and closed her eyes.

Ciara felt blood seep through her pants as Elijah's healed. She smiled when the blood stopped and the wound dissapeared. Ciara then stood, as Bucky helped Elijah up.

"What did you do?" Bucky asked incredulously.

"I healed him." She stated simply and walked away keeping her leg from limping. She got into her mustang taking the driver seat. Bucky got into the passenger and Elijah in the back. Steve and Clint took one of the Hydra vehicles. And Laura and the other kids stayed in their car.

Elijah looked at his leg in fascination. As the cars began to drive Bucky noticed how there was blood seeping through Ciara's pant leg. Bucky stared confused.

"You... Absorbed it." Bucky pieced together. Ciara kept her eyes on the road. It hurt her to sit with the bullet still in the wound but she ignored it. "Why would you do that?"

"I rather die then to let him die. Isn't that what parents do?" Ciara stated, looking through the rear view mirror at her sleeping child. "He doesn't deserve to die."

"Neither do you."

"You're wrong. I've killed over five hundred people in one year. You were in Hydra for eighty- ninty years and you've killed at most a hundred and eighty-five."

"That wasn't you."

"Then why did I enjoy it." Ciara responded looking at him, her face stoic and cold. Bucky stared sadly at her. The silence continued on as Ciara drove. Bucky stayed staring at her as Elijah slept.

The only thing running through Bucky's head was.

What did they do to her.

Ta da another chapter finished. I hope you liked it.

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