Chapter 41

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Midoriya was running through the forest carrying y/n still on her back along with kota as well till he looked to see Aizawa, "Mr.Aizawa!" he yelled, "Midori-" he trailed off seeing the girl injuried

"What happened to Kanroji!?" he yelled, "She got injured badly I need to get her to the infimary." "Give her to me, I'll take her safely."

Aizawa ran with both people in his arm he was going to head towards the infimary to make sure that y/n would get a treatment.

"Mister will she be okay?" Kota asked Aizawa, "She was really annoying to me always making conversatation but she saved me and know she might die i didn't even say i'm sorry or thank you." Kota said about to cry, "She got beaten up badly like that, it doesn't mean she had the intention of dying. But as a teacher, I have to scold Kanroji for acting without permission So once this is over please tell her how you feel. if possible, put more effort in the "Thank you"part."

Todoroki was using his ice to protect Bakugo from the villain since the message was sent that the villains were after bakugo and had injured y/n.

"if the trees burn, just cover them with ice right after!" Bakugo yelled, "The blast will impair my vision, too! What'll happen if I stop all of it? Our opponent has the advantage in both number of moves and distance!" Todoroki yelled.

Bakugo began to be angered  as he looked at the villain suddenly an explosion was heard the two boys turned to the direction and looked to see Midoriya and Shoji running away from a bigger and out of control version of dark shadow.

"Bakugo! Todoroki!"One of you,please make some light!" he yelled, the villain's iron bar was about to hit shoji till dark shadow captured the male and began aggresively fighting the villain

When the villain was destroyed by dark shadow Bakugo and Todoroki both used their quirks to make light which calmed the shadow down.

"I'm a bad match-up for you." Bakugo said, 'Sorry... Thanks for saving me..." Tokoyami said while breathing.

"Tokoyami, are you all right?" Shoji asked the bird-human said that he was fine.

"We confirmed that Kacchan is the target." Midoriya answered

"I don't know, anyway I think the campe is the safest place since there are two pros, Vlad King and Mr. Aizawa, there." Midoriya explained

"I see. So now our mission is to escort Bakugo there,huh?" Tokoyami said

"But at the clearing, the Pussycats are still fighting. and with Kanroji badly hurt we can make sure none of the villains attack her so we should go through cross we don't know how many villains there are. We can use Shoji's seatch ability and we have Todoroki's freezing, and if tokoyami's okay with it, an invincible Dark Shadow with built-in controls... Honestly, with this group, we could probably even go up against All Might." Midoriya explained

"You walk in the middle." Todoroki commanded, "Don't protect me, you scum!"Bakugo yelled

"Let's go."

The group ran towards Tsu and Ochaco but also saw a mysterious girl running into the forest, "Who is she?" Todoroki asked

"A villain. a crazy one." Asui answered back

"Uraraka, you're injured!" Midoriya yelled worried for his friend, "It's fine. I can still totally walk." shhe looked back to midoriya, "Anyway, you're the one that--" she was cut off by not seeing someone with them , "Where's kanroji?" she asked, "She got injuried and passed out but she's okay aizawa sensei took her back to the camp." Midoriya explained

"There's no time to be walking around let's go." Shoji said

Midoriya began explaining that they were going to take bakugo back to the camp he turned to see that the boy was gone they looked around till they saw another villain on on top of a tree.

"I took him with my magic. This talent isn't someone who should be on the hero side. We'll take him to a stage where he can shine more." the villain answered.

"Give him back!" Midoriya yelled

"Give him back"? That's a strange thing to say." The villain answered confused, "Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person, you egoist."

"Give him back!""  Midoriya yelled again

"Move!" Todoroki shot ice towards the villain but he jumped up the tree, "We simply want to show him that the path he's on now with its fanatical values is not the only path he can take." The villain lands safely on the tree.

"Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values." the villain said , "It's  not just Bakugo! Tokoyami's not here, either!" Shoji said looking around for the male.

"You're underrestimating us." Todoroki coldly answered, "I was originally an entertainer, you know. it's a bad habit of mine. Taking Tokoyami was an improvisation on my part. Moonfish.. The man with "Blade-Tooth"... He may not look it, but he's a cutthroat on death row whose appeal was dismissed. With a violent nature that trampled that cutthroat down one-sidely, I decided that he was good,too." The villain said

: You bastard! Don't take them!" Midoriya yelled

"Midoriya calm dow! Uraraka, take this guy." Todoroki ran towards the villain and used all of his stamina to make a huge ice pillar towards the villain.

"Sorry, tricks and running away are my only redeeming features! There's no way I'd fight students who are hero candidates." the villain pressed towards a ear-piece, "Vanguard Action Squad!" Target successfully collected! It was just a short while, but with this our show has come to a close! As arrange, head to the retrieval point in the next five minutes!" the villain said

"Knock it off!" the villain heard a voice he turned to see y/n who was covered with bandages her sword out as she begins to fight.

"That woman..." he thought, "Kanroji? She's alive!" Todoroki thought but was rather happy.

"Sixth form: Kitty Paw Love Breeze!"

"Direct hit!" she yelled but the villain runs away, "Uwaaaa!? It had no effect! I've never been this shocked before!" she thought she began running towards the villain to save her classmate as he friends began to run as well.

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