Chapter 46

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"As expected of the number four hero, Best Jeanist." All for one said to the shocken hero as he clapped his hands.

"I thought I'd blown everyone away to be able to manipulate everyone's clothes and pull them to the side in an instant that quick decision-making... and skill... you must have never of steel."

Best jeanist tried to attack all for one again till he blew his attack as the aim made it to his stomach which caused him to pass out.

"I see this is strength from a huge amount of pratice and praticical experience I don't need yours it's a quirk that doesn't go with Tomura's dispostion." all for one says

"Why... why can't i move my body..." Y/n thought still shaking in fear.

"Damn it... the hell!?" a voice called out in the crowd the group looked to see bakugo, "Bakugo!" Y/n yelled

"Sorry, Bakugo." All for one apologises to the teen, "Huh?!" Bakaugo angrily questioned till he turned to see  more portals opening which reveals the league of villains.

"You failed again, huh, Tomura?" All for one questioned, " but do not be discourged just try again i have brought your associates back as well even this child because you judged that he was an important piece do it over as many times as you need to that is why i am here it's all for you." all for one said

Y/n and Midoriya were about to move till they were stopped by hands grabbing there arms they looked to see Iida.

"You're here, after all aren't you?" All for one questions the group froze thinking it was them when out of the blue appeared all might.

All might ran towards all for one trying to punch him till all for  one stopped him, "I'll have you return everything, All for one!" he yelled

"Will you kill me again, All might?" All for one questions

the holding caused a big wind to happen which blowed the villains and bakugo away, "E-Even All might." Midoriya said.

"You're pretty late it's a little more than five kilometers from the bar to here it was easily thirty seconds after I sent the Nomus before you arrived you've gotten weaker, all might." All for one exclaimed

"What about you? What's with that industrial maks you've got on?" All might questions

" Aren't you overexting yourself?"

" I won't made the same mistake as I did six years ago, all for one!" he yelled

" I will take Young Bakugo back and this time, I will throw you in prison for sure! he yelled, "And all of the league of Villains you control with you!" All might ran to all for one.

" There's so much to do, it'll be tough for both of us." all for ones arm fills up with red energy as a gush of wind pushes all might back the group were still in fear and didn't know what to do but came to the conclision of not to fight.

" Iida, everyone!" Midoriya yelled, "You can't, Midoriya!" Iida yells, " No, there's a way A way that won't involve fighting that will let us leave this place, but still save kacchan!" Midoriya yells

"Let's hear it." Todoroki said

"But ths plan also depends on kacchan I don't think my plan will succeed if i do it that's why, Kirishima you're the key to increasing the sucess rate !" this caused kirishima's eyes to widen.

" Give us more details, Midoriya." Todoroki said

"Right." Midoriya said

" This is my plan." Midoriya explains his plan to the group which left them shock, "That's your plan?" iida questioned.

"kacchan should also realize the situation all might is in." Midoriya explains


The group had started there plan the group ran using midoriya;'s quirk " Come!" Kirishima yelled, " Bakugo!" Y/n yelled bakugo activated his quirk and flew up towards the group, " You stupid or something?" Bakugo questioned

Y/n looked to see the magician villain running towards them till Mt Lady grew tall again and bumped infront of him cauing her to fall down which made her fall down on the ground.

the villains were all suddenly pulled into a portal as all for one forces them and continues his fight with all might.

all might fought with all for one which cause his mask to break all might thought it was over till all for one began laughing.

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