Hey handsome 🌷

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POV continued

Let's say we saw the world through her eyes, grasped the beauty of it as much as we could. And let me tell you, the more we explore it,the more I get to see all those beautiful sides of her.

I know how much she is afraid of heights but she actually surprised me when she told me that we are going on the top of the Eifel tower. She had everything already arranged for us. I mean its one of her fears and first I was not very happy about this thing. But seeing her doing all the efforts for me, it was enough to make me glad. And the only good thing about the whole tower trip was, just because she was scared of it, she held onto my hands tightly. I knew she was trying to be tough, and it was the cutest thing ever. A very adorable side of her.

I can still remember our conversation.

We were looking at the city, form top of the Eifel tower, while she was trying not look down. I wrapped my free arm around her arm resting my head on her shoulder, "Baby, I really appreciate this. But aren't you scared of heights? Even if we might have seen it from the ground, it would have made me happy too. You don't have to act though every time for me Hun. Its okey."

She let out a sigh, and she kissed the side of my head tenderly, "I am. But its okey. It's not as scary as seeing you disappointed. Plus what's the use of coming to Paris if I won't be able to see this with you?"

That just made my night. Just something more to make me fell for her harder and deeper.

Not only her actions and gifts, but her caring and kind nature is what making me loose myself into her. There is no way to describe what it is........surely love.........but more.........

Today, we have reached our last destination. Back in Thailand. Khao Lak. A beautiful place surrounded by beaches. And not every crowded, which I am very thankful for.

(Their outfit for the day)

Now we have 3 days left for this trip to end. I am just happy that P'Freen chose this place; cause this is far from Bangkok. I know she might have another reasons, but I can just take a breath in relief knowing that there will be less chances for us to bump into someone that knows us.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now