A bath together 🌷

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I know I took time. 

Lets talk about why latter, now continue our story.



"Okey then. I will leave." Wait a min? Why she is prolonging it? Does she not wanna go home? She wanna....? No, but she is mad at me right?

I opened my eyes, and she was standing there, looking everywhere but me, fixing her bag on her shoulder again and again. Not meeting my eyes. Oh, she does that when is nervous to say something. And I didn't need any other sign, I stood up instantly, "Baby?" I held one of her hands in me. She wants me to say it fine, I will.

"Don't just leave now. I am..I mean..I am not afraid or anything. But you know, its late and if dad isn't here then.........." And she looked up at me, first time holding the eye contact more than just a glance. So I just gulped and continued.

"Umm why don't you come home with me? hmm?" I was waiting and waiting........

"Its fine. I will manage. I will go by myself. I should give you some time alone." And she turned around. Alone? What alone? Who wanna be alone? Baby I need you with me. And if I ever have to alone, I would be alone with you.

I just went in front of her, blocking her from opening the door, "Babe wait. I am so sorry. About all that I have said. I am stupid. I am truly sorry. Please forgive me. Let's talk. Please? I will do anything. Please let's make up. Please?" And her eyes changed now there had challenge in it. What?

"Anything?" and she rose an eyebrow.

I gulped and nodded, "Yes."

She finally said those magical words, "Fine. Lets talk."

POV changed

I understand it was not her fault to begin with, and furthermore I don't blame her for whatever happened. I know it was her migraine that took over. But I was just.......sad. It felt really bad the way her eyes were turned cold and then even she told me to leave her alone. The whole time I was just convincing myself, I should keep in mind that she was not wrong, its the situation that we were in. And I am glad I was correct.  Knowing her, I knew going for dinner was her idea to begin with. I was just happy that she was back to her older self. She was trying, I saw her efforts, but I just don't have any button, that I can just turn on and off, to switch my moods. It takes time. And I am happy she understands it.

Plus, I feel really bad for scaring her like that. I didn't know she was scared of ghosts. I saw her fear in restaurant itself, and the way she basically dragged us out of there, I conclude she might have sworn to herself not to come back here. And in office, lord. Everything was just not in her favour. First late meeting, then light out. I knew I couldn't leave her alone. And at home, I knew her mom just stays there only 2 or 3 days a week. So leaving her alone, I didn't want to.

Finally we talked it out. She said sorry and I too. Basically it was no one's fault. Even thought she might have dropped it and said everything is fine, but it has hurt her, I could see it in her eyes, more than I thought. I just need to make it clear to people maybe not everything, but something. I cannot let this confusion go on.

The moment we have entered home, she took my hand in hers, and she has never let go of it still. Even when we are in her room. First we were just holding, but later she intertwined them. I cannot help but find it cute. She is scared.

Suddenly she nudged my hand, and when I saw she was looking at her own house everywhere, like she was making sure there is no one other than us. "Baby?" I tried to take her attention but it wasn't working.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now