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Jungkook is holding his husband's small and soft hands in his
"Your hands are soft and small just like baby's hands" he is creasing the younger's hands feeling the soft skin by his finger tips

His cute husband is blushing his face is like a tomato by now
Jungkook feels another small hand in his hair
"What are you doing?" He asks his husband
"Well I like your hairs they are silky and soft" the small hand is now creasing his hair making him feel good

He is creasing his husband's small soft hands and looking at the angel where he assumed his husband is standing and the younger is standing infront of him running his fingers in the black soft silky locks of the older smiling at him looking into his eyes

After few minutes Jungkook clears his throat and back away leave those small, soft, cute hands
"So ramen?"
"Yes ramen" bunny boy replied
So his small husband begins to make ramen in silence
'What were you doing Jungkook?, Have you gone mad?, But his hands were very soft and small I just want to hold them again his skin is very soft'

"Ramen is ready" announce the younger and bring it infront of the older
Jungkook tried to take the chopsticks but his husband gently slaps his hands away
"What?" Jungkook is getting irritated again
"I will feed you" Jungkook wants to say something but the other one don't let him
"No discussion, no fighting, only eating which I am feeding"
"Say aaaahh"
"I am not a baby" the raven haired boy complain
"Even if you are baby or not you have to open your mouth to eat so yeah, say aahhh"
Jungkook opens his mouth and his husband starts to feed him

After finishing ramen, younger also help him take medicines then Jungkook begins to stand up to go to his room but his husband stops him
"Uh,uh, uh not so fast, sit down"
"Now what?"
"I have to change your bandages, stay here I will bring the ointment, the one that doctor gave" saying this he rushes out of the kitchen after some minutes he came back and sat infront of Jungkook unwrap his bandages clean his wounds blows air on it
again this feeling arises inside Jungkook 'what is this feeling?' he thought

He applied ointment on his hands very gently then again wrap the bandages
"Now you can go"
Jungkook just stands up and went to his room but he can tell his husband is following him he lay on his bed
"You can go now"
The smaller is shocked 'how did he know I am following I didn't even make any sound'

"Well.." the samller come near him and ruffles his hair and ran away saying
"Goodnight Mr Jeon"
Jungkook chuckles at his husband's actions and falls asleep

The next day is a critical situation for both husbands Jungkook wants to take a bath but he can't, and we all know he is stubborn
"I want to take a bath" he tells his husband
"Okay fine, I will help you"
"What about my hands?"
"I have any idea for them as well"
The samller comes back with some leather gloves and make the older wear them
"Gloves seriously"
"Yeah they are water proof, now let's go"

He made Jungkook sit on the edge of the bathtub
"Remove your clothes"
"I can't I have gloves in my hands"
"Excuse me they are not boxing gloves you can perfectly remove your clothes with them"
"All of them" Jungkook says in a teasing tone
"Yes all of them" confirms the younger
"I can't open my buttons"

Jungkook is a wearing a pajama set his husband sighs and come near him begins to unbutton his shirt buttons one by one and his breathing also increases by looking what's inside
The older is toned have abs and packs, in short he is packed with muscles

Jungkook work out even when he is blind, he can do push-ups and lifting easily, he didn't want to lose his muscles which he made by his hard work

Now his shirt is all unbottened the younger never thought that the older's naked torso will be full of muscles while Jungkook is enjoying the occasionally touching of soft hands on his skin and the increasing breaths of his husband
"Like what you see?"
The smaller blushes his ears, face and neck is completely red by now
"Whatever helps you to sleep at night"
"What about my trousers, darling remove them" Jungkook says in his sexy voice

Younger breath hitches he feels tingles down his spine
He kneeled down infront of the blind man and take off his trousers he come face to face with the older's tight boxers, the outline is quite visible and you can tell whatever is inside it is big
He gulps his saliva and stands up immediately
"What about the boxers?" Jungkook teases
"Y-you do it by yourself, I am turning around, remove them and sits in the bathtub"
He had already filled the tub with water

Jungkook chuckles deeply making his husband feels things in his stomach
"You can turn around"
The smaller turns around sighs in relief seeing the older siting in the bathtub

He comes near him helps him bath while Jungkook is enjoying too much he is biting back groans of appreciation whenever his husband's hands touch his skin, he love the massage younger gave him while applying shampoo in his hair
"Now take this" his husband hands him the cloth which has saop
"Wash your lower body by yourself"
"Won't you help me darling" he again teases the smaller
"Why are you calling me that" the blushing male asks
"Well you are my husband, I can call you that"
Silence falls around them now Jungkook is standing with only a towel wrap around his waist making someone drools in the room
Thanks for reading 💞💞
Words: 1015
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