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"ITS NOT HER fault that she's that way, "Sadie says, plumping her full lips. "She's Catholic. You don't expect her to know everything,"

I stop in my tracks and lean against the wall. I know it's horrible to eavesdrop but I can't help it knowing they're talking about me.

Londyn cackles sarcastically. "Cut the BS, Sadie. Which fifteen-year-old doesn't know what an orgy is?,"

Tears cloud my vision as a dart my eyes down to my boots, still leaning on the wall.

"I'm with Londyn on this one, Sadie," Oaklynn adds. "We're in the 21st Century for fuck's sake,"

"I literally cannot stand the bitch,"Londyn blurts out.

"I'm Diana Grey. I don't know shit about anything and I'm so naive and childish about everything," Reagan mimicks me, making me sound like one of the Minions.

The rest of the girls laugh manically at my expense and I feel a tear drop down my cheek.

"Let's hang out at Starbucks after school," Elvira pipes up. "Please no one should invite Mrs. Innocent. I really don't want to go to jail for murder,"

My body is already shaking with unshed tears as they laugh once again.

"Sure thing,"Londyn assures Elvira. "She sure doesn't pick up the hint that we don't want to be friends,"

"I really haven't met anyone so...dense," Sadie muses. "She doesn't get that no one likes her,"

"We can't hide here for long," Oaklynn sighs as if meeting me is the biggest burden on Earth. "We'll have to see her eventually,"

They all let out identical sighs and begin to pack up their make up. I use that chance to get away from the restrooms before they catch me eavesdropping.

I run into one of the upstairs restrooms and get into one of the vacant stalls. There, I sit on the toilet and cry.





I can't believe I thought they liked me. I can't believe I thought I was one of them.  I was stupid. So, so stupid.

Every smile sent to her. Every hug. Every compliment. It was all a charade. A joke. I wonder how many times they had laughed at me behind my back, how long they had harbored hatred towards me.

I was nothing but a toy to them. Something try could dress up and play with and treat anyhow they liked. I was a pawn in their sick game of chess.

I wiped my eyes with a tissue. A new sense of determination and anger. I wanted to get back at them for making me a fool. I wanted revenge.

They might still see me as a pawn in their sick game of chess but little did they know that all Pawns have a chance at becoming Queens.

Diana Grey's Guide To Getting RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now