8) Sweet, Poisoned Heart

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Aric had met very few people in his fourteen years life, having been raised in the woods, and even fewer he didn't detest. In fact, until a couple days ago, he couldn't have named a single person whose skull he didn't wish to drive the blade of his knife through. But now, within less than a week, he had found someone that he not only didn't hate, but even considered to be a friend. Or maybe something more...

Now here he was, standing in his room, wondering what the hell he was supposed to wear to watch a movie. Did people dress up for movies? Should he just keep on what he was wearing? Should he wear pajamas, since it was technically night time? Then it occurred to him that he had never been to Japeth's dorm. What would it be like? Would his brother be there? Hopefully not. Rhian was such a prat.

"You good?" Kei asked in his usual, soulless voice. "You've been standing there staring at the closet for ten minutes."

Shit. Has it really been that long?

Refusing to dignify Kei's comment with response, Aric snapped out of his trance and settled on staying in the clothes he was in. He quickly brushed his hair, which he almost never did, and began heading out the door. He was halfway out the door when he looked at the clock and realized he still had fifteen minutes until he was supposed to meet up with Japeth. He awkwardly sidled back into his room and sat down on his bed.

Aric pulled out his knife and began carving a thorny, wilted rose into his bedside table.

"Ever try drawing on paper? Makes a whole lot less noise," Kei complained. Again, Aric ignored him.

Before Aric's intricate rose was complete, however, fifteen minutes had passed and he began heading towards  Japeth's room, stowing his knife in his pocket. When he arrived at the door, Japeth opened it before Aric even had time to knock. Looking Japeth up and down, Aric was thoroughly grateful for his choice in clothing. Japeth was wearing the same green T-shirt, unzipped black hoodie, and tarnished jeans he had been that morning.

"Hi," Japeth said, his porcelain face a little bit redder than it had been a minute ago. "Your hair looks nice." He was suddenly embarrassed that he had not brushed his tangled, unruly hair.

"Thanks," Aric said, making a mental note to always brush it.

"You can come in, you don't just have to stand there." Japeth pointed out.

"Oh! Yeah." Aric walked through the open door, pink blush creeping up his ivory skin.

To his relief, Rhian wasn't in. He didn't give it a second thought, deciding it was better not to question this good fortune. Now it was just him and Japeth, all alone. Japeth closed the door and sat down on his bed, motioning for Aric to sit down next to him. Aric obliged, unsure of what to say.

"Um... what movie do you wanna watch?"

"Well," Japeth began. "Have you ever seen The Princess Bride?"

"No." Aric made a face. "That sounds lame."

"I thought so too. But lame title aside, it's a great movie."

"Alright, I'll give it a try." Aric said begrudgingly.

Japeth selected the movie on a small television and the image of small, pixilated baseball players appeared on the screen, the tune of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" playing in the background.

Around thirty minutes later, Aric was practically cackling with mirth as a certain giant said "Anybody want a peanut?"

A few lines of dialogue later he gasped as a girl in a lovely red velvet dress jumped into the water. She was being charged by shrieking eels, prepared to feast on her flesh, and without noticing it, Aric's hand had crept into Japeth's and was clasping it tightly. As the intensity of the scene came to a halt, Aric let go of Japeth's hand, blushing bright red.

The story came to a crescendo in a grand castle, the sight of a soon-to-be-princess's wedding. Three heroes broke into the castle to save the almost-princess from marrying a man she didn't love. A chase. A duel of swords. An old score settled. A fight not to the death, but to the pain. And when all was well, the main characters shared a kiss. The one kiss to beat all the other ones.

Aric smiled at Japeth. "That sure was some movie."

"Yeah." Japeth agreed.

Then, without noticing what they were doing, as if neither of them were in control, they both grabbed the back of each others heads, pulling close together, shrinking the space between their lips until there was none at all. Aric ran his fingers through Japeth's copper hair, savoring this moment like it was his last. Their bodies were pressed so closely together that Japeth could feel Aric's sweet, poisoned heart keeping perfect time.

This is probably going to be the last chapter of this book. I know it's kinda short, but I think this is a nice place to end it. Thanks so much for reading! <3

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